Page 19 of One Look

With her low hum, I felt like I was being let in on some very important town secret—a society of women who, despite the decades-old feud in town, had come together for their love of books.

Only... besides the books on the shelves, there were no actual books present at book club.

After only a few minutes, it became apparent that the Bluebird Book Club was a facade for the women of Outtatowner to come together in secret to gossip, solve problems, and maybe even just be themselves.

I immediately fell in love.

The bell on the door jingled, and our attention was brought to a young woman juggling a tray of something that looked like brownies and a canvas bag hanging from the crook of her elbow.

I didn’t recognize her, but she smiled widely and slid the tray of dessert onto the table and flopped into an empty chair with a huff.

“Long day?” someone named Mabel asked.

“Long week,” she replied.

“And Red?” Tootie’s eyes were wistful.

The woman pressed her lips into a flat line and shook her head. “Not a great day.”

A hand went to Tootie’s back in comfort. The woman’s eyes slid to me, and she sat up. “Oh, hi.”

I smiled and stretched out my hand. “Hi. I’m Lark.”

“MJ.” She shook my hand and smoothed her hair back before sneaking a glance at Bug.

Bug tipped her head toward Tootie, who was lost in another conversation. “Lark’s a Sullivan.”

MJ’s lip twisted, and her shoulders slumped a bit, almost in... disappointment, maybe?

“To be fair, I’m neither a King nor a Sullivan. Just the new girl.” I offered another smile, and she returned it before relaxing into her chair.

MJ leaned closer, her smile warm and friendly. “If Tootie’s claimed you, it means you’re definitely a Sullivan.” She held out her hand. “Julep King, but most people call me MJ.”

I took her hand in mine. “MJ?”

Her eyes crinkled and she shrugged. “Mint Julep.”

Before I could protest, Tootie lifted a small bell and rang it. Side conversations died down as Bug also stepped forward.

“Ladies. As you can see, we have a new guest. Lark, meet everyone. Everyone, Lark.”

Murmured greetings floated through the group, and I smiled and awkwardly lifted my hand.

“Now that that’s settled”—Bug clapped her hands together—“let’s have a drink.”

A woman to my left leaned closer. “Is it true you and Bowlegs were having a secret affair?”

Another woman butted in before I could even laugh at the suggestion. “I heard you were his long-lost daughter.” Her eyes were wide and hopeful.

I looked around, and my mouth dropped open.

Do I lie?

Tootie swiftly came to my rescue. “Bug and I arranged for her to attend the services. Lord knows the men in this town cause enough drama, and we couldn’t stand the thought of no one being there to mourn him. We hired Lark. She’s a friend of the family, and that’s the end of it.” Her tone was sweet, but her words were final.

The two women sat back, but as I was stuck between them, they both eyed me. I’m suresecret loverandlong-lost daughterwere only the tip of the iceberg when it came to the rumors swirling around town about me.

“I swear I’m not a spy!” I laughed uncomfortably as the group took me in with wide eyes. Conversation wilted around me, and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.