Page 14 of One Look

As he splashed to the surface, I looked around. I could exit out the other side of the rocks, but my clothes were still hidden in a pile near his. There was no way I could slip away without him catching me.

I just had to wait him out.

I bit my lip and sneaked another peek. My foot inched forward. The soggy lake bottom gave way, and something slimy wriggled beneath my feet.

A very loud, very unladylike shriek burst from my chest, rattling the peaceful forest.



When you’rebare-ass naked and you hear a shriek that sounds like it came from the depths of hell, I dare you to not piss yourself. I scanned the area and almost immediately saw the source of the scream.

From behind a rocky outcropping, Lark thrashed around, splashing water in every direction. “It touched me! Something touched me!”

My hands flew to my junk before I realized I was hidden below the water. Lark moved toward the center of the lake, her bare shoulders peeking just above the surface.

My heart rate slowed as I realized there was nothing dangerous, only Lark Butler, the woman my aunt hadpaidto cry at Bowlegs’s funeral.

After seeing her at the bakery, had I pried every ounce of information from Lee? You’re damn right I did. He was reluctant to tell me, but once he started talking, he spilled everything. Tootie felt bad that the feud between the Sullivans and the Kings meant the attendance at the services was likely to be scarce, so she and Bug had conspired to hire someone to mourn him.

My mind still couldn’t wrap itself around the type of person who would chooselying at funeralsas a profession.

Clearly, someone who isn’t one with nature, if Lark was any indication.

When I’d decided to take a dip in old Wabash Lake after my run, I hadn’t planned on an audience. A cocky part of me wondered how much she had seen and whether or not she liked the view.

I trudged bare-assed toward Lark.

“Calm the hell down. What happened?”

She turned toward me, pink flaming her cheeks. “Something in the water. It... touched me.”

I stifled a laugh. “Probably a fish or a turtle. This time of year they nest near the rocks. What are you doing here anyway?”

The pink in her cheeks deepened to crimson.

Oh yeah. She definitely got an eyeful.

“Well, um... I was going for a walk and I heard something and kind of freaked out.” Lark brushed a wet strand of hair behind her ear and lifted her chin.

I gestured toward the shoreline. “Well, by all means. Since you’re out of danger.”

She rolled her eyes and expelled her breath in a huff. “Just get out.”

“I’m not getting out.” I was just starting to enjoy this. I knew she was trying to get under my skin at the bakery, so I could do the same to her. Her small nostrils flared once.

Lark crossed her arms, pushing the tops of her breasts to the surface of the water.

Oh shit. Is she naked?

She clearly recognized a challenge as I stared her down. “You get out.”

I crossed my arms. “Oh, I’m not getting out.”

“Well, I... I can’t. I’m... nude.”

My jaw shifted.I knew it.