Page 32 of Grumpy Bossy Doctor

"Aunty James, you're still looking as beautiful as ever," Lawrence said as he made his way to Mother.

"Enough with the flattery." Mother rolled her eyes playfully but still accepted his embrace.

"Mr. James, thank you for having me over," Lawrence said as he exchanged handshakes with my father.

"You don't have to thank me. With all your family has done for us, it's only fair that we have you over," Dad replied.

"Do I smell cookies?" Lawrence asked.

"Yes. Natasha made some as she came back," Mother said.

"I guess I'll have her treat me to some then," he said as he turned to look at me, seeking approval.

"You better not eat all of them," I sighed as I made my way to the kitchen. "Come."

"Yes, princess," he said as he followed behind me.

From the corner of my eyes, I noticed the worried look on Mother’s and Father's faces. They were smiling, but it just seemed like it was on the surface.


I got into the kitchen and opened the jar. Pouring the contents into a tray.

"How have you been, Lawrence?" I asked.

"Well, I was in New Zealand just the other day," he replied. "Set up another branch in my father's name."

"Shouldn't it be in your name?" I asked as I handed the tray over to him.

"You know how parents are. Leaving behind a legacy and whatnot," he said as he wiggled his fingers, trying to select the cookie that would be his first victim.

"Lawrence, they all taste the same, just pick one for God’s sake," I groaned.

"Don't rush me." He frowned and finally settled on one.

I selected another and returned the tray to the counter. I was proud of the cookies I had made.

When I returned to Richmond, I planned to bake some for Ethan…and maybe Ian to fix whatever weird patch that would come up between us.

"They're delicious," he said as he took another one. "You'd truly make a wonder wife."

"Of course, I would," I said smugly.

"Indeed," he agreed and his voice was in a low growl.

For some odd reason, it unsettled me. It came to my attention at that moment that there were no staff in the kitchen. Strange because there was always at least one person there. Most especially when we had a guest and lunch time neared.

I thought nothing of it.

"What else have you been up to?" I asked.

"I was in a magazine. Picked up modeling," he replied. "My aunt talked me into it."

"Sarah always said you were her favorite," I sighed.

"Meh. Did you know I was listed as one of the most eligible bachelors?" he asked.

"You're finally ready to settle down?" I asked trying to hold back my laughter.