Page 122 of Grumpy Bossy Doctor

"My story?" I raised a brow.

"Yeah. I already have a general idea of how yours goes, but Olivia doesn't," Stacy replied.

"Oh, uh, I was in love with Ethan, and I kissed him. Turned out to be Ian, but I didn't know it and dated both his false persona and the real man," I explained.

"You know, now that you say it out loud, it sounds a lot worse than you'd expect," Stacy said.

"No arguments there," Olivia and I said in tandem.

"So what about the finale, the climax? Does he know you're pregnant?" Olivia asked.

"What?" I stammered. "I'm not pregnant."

"Did you check?" Stacy asked.

"I'm actually on my period," I admitted.

Which is also part of the reason I didn't have sex with Ian during the last making out session.

"So you two haven't had sex?" Olivia asked.

"We actually have," I replied honestly. "But contraceptives and good old pull out method."

"Ohhh," they both nodded.

"You know now that I think about it, we could have simply just done that," Stacy said to Olivia.

"But he felt so good too," Olivia sighed.

"Wait…you two got pregnant before you married them?" I asked.

"Don't misunderstand, I was going to be a single mom," Olivia said.

"As for me, I knew Ethan was definitely going to marry me," Stacy revealed.

"Wow," I admitted. "I was more worried about embarrassing Ian or something, but you two are very lax. What made you fall in love with your husbands?"

"I was convinced that I was walking bad luck. He and Chloe disapproved of that notion," Olivia said with a smile.

"Someone needed to keep those Butterfingers out of trouble," Stacy replied. "What about you?"

"I found someone who saw me as me. And not as a princess or goddess," I said as I touched my hair. "I must be the luckiest girl in the world."

"That makes two of us," Stacy affirmed.

"Make that three of us," Olivia chimed in. "Now let's make sure that the stomachs of the men that we love are satisfied."

"All right!" I punched the air along with Stacy.

So, this was what a big family was like.

We ate our meal in silence, enjoying the pleasure of each other’s company. Every family member was as unique as the legends had said about them. Ben, the maestro of the operation theatre. He had saved a lot of lives but couldn't save his first wife's life. He struggled to balance work and his daughter. Olivia was a woman who had lost everyone she held dear and was convinced she had bad luck; well, thanks to her, the rice was a little burned.

They loved each other despite the bad luck.

Ethan, the man said to have machine-like hands had the highest success rates among his brothers. But was careless in reality. Stacy, a straight-laced woman blinded by getting things the way she wants them. A perfect match for her husband who depended on her. Ian, the youngest was the man who could make anyone desirable, but no one desired him. And me, the girl everyone had desired but desired no one. A perfect match.

If I never met this family, I would have been convinced that I was the only special person in this world. It felt nice to belong in a family of special people. I could feel Ian squeeze my hand from underneath the table.