Page 119 of Grumpy Bossy Doctor

"But that's cruel," I frowned. "Can't we take them to court or something?"

"The contract is solid. Believe me I've tried," Dad said in a defeated tone.

"Just a billion?" Ian asked. "Does that include the properties as well?"

"Yes, why?" Dad answered.

"You have an offshore account? I'll send you two billion," Ian said.

"What?" I blinked.

"Is there a problem?" Ian asked.

"This is a family problem, we'll find a way around it," Father explained, and I nodded in agreement.

"It seems like none of you understood my statement from earlier, so I'll repeat myself." Ian cleared his throat. "I desire your daughter as my bride. While I don't like the idea of her being treated like a bargaining chip, if it means going all in, then I'll go all in. She's going to be my family, and that makes all of you my family either way. So, yeah, this is my problem too."

I couldn't believe my ears.

"Oh, and I won't be taking no for an answer," he added.

Mom and Dad exchanged glances and Dad let out a sigh of defeat. "You know, most people call you the strangest of the Sullivan brothers. I didn't know how true those rumors were…but thank you. We owe you."

"I'll accept your daughter as payment," Ian said instantly.

"What happened to not treating me like a bargaining chip?" I frowned.

"I don't recall saying that," he smirked.

"Well this calls for a celebration. I can't wait to see the look on their faces," Dad said as the color finally returned to his face.

"Thank you," I said softly to Ian.

"Wait till you meet my family," he said with a grin.

I still felt a little upset at my parents no matter the excuse they were going to send me off with. What if I waited longer and things got worse? Ian came through more than I expected. For the first time in forever, I felt like a true princess.

Chapter twenty-six

Meet the Sullivans


A week had passed and things had gotten better for both of us. As Ian had promised, the money my parents needed was sent to them, and their debt was cancelled. Dad told us that Lawrence's dad didn't seem to care about the contract, which easily told me that the old man wasn't behind the ruse.

I could only think of one person who was so obsessed with me that he'd be willing to go the extra mile and make sure that I was his personal property. I promised myself that the next time I saw him, a punch across the face would be due.

Prince charming aside, I got to spend proper time with Ian. I wasn't official staff in his hospital, but I came by to help out as often as I could. The patients and most of the staff missed me. I found my hands occupied by the second day I came back to the hospital.

Ian was visibly jealous of the patients and would often swing by my office to check on me, but I would be occupied. Garden time was sacred. I noticed that anytime we wanted to spend time together, most of the staff would leave.

I thought Ian was behind it, but he assured me that it was just his staff's idea. When I noticed they'd stay and watch from a distance, I realized that they were just relishing the fact that their boss was finally dating someone. It still was embarrassing to be watched like that. But Ian didn't care. I was the only one bothered about it.

The same week, there was an event at Byrd Park, similar to the one we attended where he was himself. Because it was my second time experiencing a pop up carnival, I was able to win more prizes than last time. I won a shark doll, and Ian… well, he won nothing. And no, I didn't give him my shark doll. I had won it fair and square. It was my first carnival gift, so why would I give it to him?

He didn't mind and didn't argue. He kept treating me like I was some little kid that had never seen a carnival before. But it was fun. We went paddling on the lake. I didn't know how to paddle so we spent most of the time making the boat go in circles and steering the wrong way until I gave up and let him handle everything.

Moments like this could only be regarded as a fairy tale. We retired to his house, where I made him the finest duck à l’orange. The maids and Mom taught me how to make it specifically for him. He enjoyed the meal.