"Well, now that you know where his hospital is in Richmond, you can just visit whenever you want," she suggested. "I heard he was doing a traveling nurse program. See if it's still ongoing."

"I didn't even know he was doing something like that," I admitted.

"How would you? You're not even on social media," she said and rolled her eyes.

"That's why I have you don't I?" I wiggled my brows at her, and she sucked her teeth before continuing to sip her tea. "Someone's coming."

There was a knock on my door; Mother came in to my room without waiting for my response.

"How are you doing?" she asked with her usual loving smile.

"Very well," I replied as I hugged my pillow.

"Good evening, ma'am," Rachel greeted as she got up to leave.

"Thank you for your service, Rachel. And good evening to you too," Mom replied.

Rachel smiled at her, before leaving the room excusing the both of us.

"Your father and I have made some arrangements; we know where you can go next for your medical practice," she said.

"Without my input?" I raised a brow.

"We aren't sending you to anywhere dangerous," she said. "A friend that works at the UN says they need volunteers. We thought it would be good to have you work there and increase your roster of achievements."

"Right," I sighed. "Thank you."

"Don't sound like that, you know that your father and I…"

"Want what's best for me. I know," I said.

She let out a sigh and sat by my side, gently stroking my hair. "It will all be worth it in the end."

"It better be," I pouted.

"That's my princess," she cooed. "I'll get the maids ready to have you gone by the weekend."

I sat upright. "Bythisweekend?"


"Wait, how long will I be gone?" I asked.

"Just a year or so," she replied. "Could be less."

"I can't be gone for a year. I just got reuin–" I stopped talking.

"You just got what?" she asked.

"It's nothing, never mind," I replied, "but after this, I think it's high time you all start letting me live for myself."

"I have no arguments there," she said, but the look in her eyes seemed to lie. I had no choice but to take her word for it.

"Fine, don't go back on your word," I insisted.

"I'll talk to your father," she digressed.

I could take that as well. As she left me alone to my thoughts, I couldn't help thinking about what would happen with my relationship with Ethan. I wanted to apply Rachel's advice and go aggressive, but the plan had to wait.