"There shouldn't be any alcohol," Ben said to me.
I couldn't help smiling. In a way, it was admirable how Ethan tried to put effort into fixing himself. Maybe that was what I should have done. Rather than complaining about how I got little to no return in matters of the heart, I should have worked on myself. It would have made things a little better. At the park, as we set up, Ethan had some news for us.
"So, my family and I will be going on a vacation," he announced.
Stacy and Jason were new additions to the Sullivan family. To be honest, I was relieved that he ended up with her compared to the other women he had been involved with.
"A vacation? Why now?" I asked.
"I just realized that I haven't been spending proper time with them," he replied.
"I'm still in Glen Allen most of the time, and he's grounded in Richmond," Stacy explained. "Even in marriage and although just a thirty minute ride away, it still feels like we're long distancing it."
"You could always take breaks and close earlier," Ben advised while helping Chloe set the table. "Worked for me."
"Well you two work in the same hospital while Stacy owns hers," Ethan sighed. "Are you sure you guys don't need my help setting down the things. I could fire up the grill too."
"I can handle that," I said.
"I know how to handle a grill,” he affirmed and frowned.
"I can handle it better," Stacy said with a smug look. "We wouldn't want you burning down the park, now would we?"
"Is that so? Then handle the grilling all by yourself," he asked as a sinister smile formed on his lips.
"What? You think I can't do it? Or are you trying to trick me into doing it so you and the boys won’t have to do anything?" she asked with a look of scepticism.
"I'm sure you can," he said. "Honestly, I'd rather not burn the park down. I say you and the ladies do it. You can play against me in a simple game of chance and whoever loses handles the meal."
"You're on," she said, buying the bait.
It was a simple game of rock/paper/scissors, and Ethan decided to play against my sisters-in-law and niece. I'm guessing Stacy agreed to his deal because she assumed he'd lose due to how clumsy he was. If only she knew that Ethan could be deadly smart if he wanted to – such a cunning man. Obviously he won, and the women were stuck handling the barbecue.
Ben didn't object to the outcome and neither did I. None of us really wanted to cook. I'm not comfortable cooking for people I'm not completely close to, like my sisters-in-law. But I think Ben and Ethan just wanted an excuse to eat their wives' cooking.
"So, as I was saying," Ethan continued as we were left alone, and the women started to work on the grill. "I'll be away for a month. Preferably the Maldives, or Malaysia. I don't know. The wife will decide."
"Someone's gotten a little smug because they finally got to settle down," I teased.
"Maybe you should settle down too…and upgrade your smugness," he smirked.
"Enough you two. We're adults for God’s sake," Ben groaned.
"Only two of us," I sneaked in.
"Want to go?" Ethan growled as he showed me his fist.
"I could use the warmup," I said and wound my arm ready to duke it out.
"Soccer gentlemen," Ben said. "Dad isn't here to separate the both of you. I'm in no mood to handle it myself."
If we fought as kids, Father would separate the both of us. But Ben, his idea was to pummel us. It's a wonder he grew up to be gentle.
"Yeah, whatever," Ethan sighed.
We found a group of dads and joined them. It was a peaceful moment. I decided to help him out when he'd depart and watch over his hospital. But as I watched them interact with each other even as we settled down to eat, I couldn't help but feel lonely. I wanted what they had. And Ethan forgetting the drinks was enough to distract myself.