Page 37 of Grumpy Bossy Doctor


"Never mind that," she said as she let me go, "But you were completely right about the family situation. While I'm grateful that everything they made me do worked out for me; in the end, it was purely me due to my own and completely none of theirs."

She paused and handed me the yogurt. I accepted it, still confused on why she took my words to heart rather than taking offense just the way the others did.

"You don't know how many times I've wanted to yell at them for deciding each and every part of my life. Recently I gave in and finally yelled at them. But that was just it," she continued. "I'm grateful for everything they did, but it didn't have to come at the cost of my everything."

"I'm actually surprised you didn't get offended by what I said," I said, still a bit surprised.

"Is that why you're always alone?" she asked.

"Well people would rather be with my brother who's carefree and energetic and understands how the social circles work," I replied, "than with someone who is too honest or harsh…or too cold."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"For believing false rumors about you," she explained.

"So what do you think about me now?" I asked.

"A man who has been misunderstood but doesn't take the right steps to correct the notions of himself that exist," she said.

"Wow," I chuckled as I took a sip of the yoghurt she gave me. "When you put it that way, makes it feel like I'm the reason no one is approaching me."

"We can be the source of our misfortune," she said. "Takes guts to overcome. You look like you have the guts."

I was the source of my own misfortune. My lack of confidence was what pushed me to take the identity of my brother just to be with the woman I wanted. I hadn’t heard of a more pathetic ordeal. I took another sip of the yogurt, but I could still feel her gaze. I turned and we locked eyes.

"You really have beautiful eyes," I complimented her.

"Thank you," she said as she pushed her hair behind her ear. "I don't know if this sounds crazy or not. But it's feels like you and I have met before."

"We have? Definitely not med school,” I said.

"It's just a hunch," she said and looked away. She was talking about Ethan.

"Thank you for the company," she said as she got to her feet. "I'll go see if any of my patients are here."

"Glad to see you're enjoying yourself," I muttered.

"Well, this is the only place I decided to work at without my parents decision," she explained as she looked around us.

"I thought you wanted to work at Ethan's?" I smirked.

"I got to reattach a hand. I think I'm pretty satisfied," she replied with a smile. "Besides, this place is beauty focused. A paradise for a dermatologist like me."

"What would you have done if your parents didn't make you study medicine?" I asked.

"I… haven't told anyone before," she replied, then leaned in. "Don't laugh."

"I swear."

She looked at her left, and her right, then leaned in to whisper, "I wanted to be an actress."

"Really? Hollywood would have torn itself apart trying to get you to work for them," I said.

"You're just saying that," she laughed.

"I mean think about it. If you're able to put this much effort into achieving something like this, just because it's something your parents wanted, imagine how much you'd achieve if it was something you genuinely wanted to do," I explained. "Besides, your beauty alone would make me buy each movie or series you'd star in."