Page 29 of Grumpy Bossy Doctor

Don't get me wrong, my parents compliment my achievementsafterI'm done achieving them. But never have they found out if I'm actually enjoying it.

I guess it's time that I pay back for letting me do whatever I want.

"I'm enjoying it," I replied.

The image of Ian crushing me with his body weight flashed across my mind.

"I'm enjoying it a lot," I confessed.

"That's great, princess," she remarked, "but can you take an excuse and fly in to Maryland today?"

"Hmm? Why? What's happening?"

"It's nothing serious. We just wanted to tell you something…in person," she replied.

She was lying. She knew whatever it was that they were up to, I wasn't going to like it. But who was I to oppose? Besides, I didn't want to face Ian that morning either.

"I'll be there," I said.

"We'll be waiting," she said. "Sleep well."

"You too, Mom," I replied before hanging up.

I texted Isaac and explained to him on my need to travel immediately for a family emergency. He gave me the permission to leave. I didn't have Ian's number; I just assumed that Isaac would reach out to him. I told Ethan though and he wished me safe travels.

I still couldn't sleep until around four am.


"Good morning, sir," Isaac greeted me.

"Good morning," I replied.

I wasn't in the mood to correct him about him addressing me as sir.

"Congratulations on the operation yesterday. Mr Anderson has been recovering steadily. There's nothing wrong with his vitals," he reported. "You've really outdone yourself this time."

"It's not just me. I had all of you by my side," I said.

"All of us? It was predominantly just you and Dr. James," he reminded me. "That reminds me, she texted me this morning asking for an emergency leave. I approved it without consulting you."

"No it's alright," I said.

Ethan, looks like the observatory visit will really have to wait. My family summons me.

I re-read the text.

"Is everything okay sir?" he asked. "You seem very out of it."

"No it's nothing," I replied. "I wasn't able to sleep properly last night. I didn't even leave my office."

"Oh, I see," he said and adjusted his glasses. "Shall I move all your appointments, the ones that aren't emergencies so you can have some time to yourself."

"No," I said. "In fact, make sure I'm very occupied today."

"What's gotten into you?" he asked with a worried expression.

"I wish I knew," I sighed as I laid my head on the desk.