Page 49 of Fated Blood

I choke on a scream as she hugs the dead girl to her chest.

“No! No, you can't do that!” Xanthe screams, prying Fayla away from Mara and holding her down.

“There has to be a way to fix her!” Fayla begs as Xanthe hugs her close and cries with her. “She can’t be like this forever!”

I reach my woman and pull her and Xanthe into my arms. Brec watches me, teeth bared, but I think he understands this is all for Fayla because he doesn’t try to attack me.

“How many vampire hunters are we going to let into this family?” Brec growls.

I look up at him and grin. “There’s none left, Brec. We’re all already here!” I chuckle and my grin turns into a full smile when Brec rolls his eyes. “Think of it this way, big guy. Two enemies, one fight. Right?”

“What are you rambling on about?” Brec snarls, struggling to hold the thrashing Mara.

“Well, Angelica’s dead, right? We’re no longer a threat. So, two enemies, one fight. You guys are safe now, right?”

“I have a feeling you’re going to annoy me for the rest of my immortal life…” Brec huffs what almost sounds like a laugh.

“You’re stuck with me now,” I smile.

“Did you two find the body?” Zarius demands, storming down the hallway with the rest of his family behind him.

“No, we weren’t looking for anyone but Mara,” Brec tells his father, his eyes narrowing to slits as he seems to dare him to say anything.

“We’ll find her, Dad,” Lilith says, passing Zarius with a gentle pat on his shoulder. She walks out the door, wings spreading, her grim reaper of a husband behind her.

Fayla shoves my chest, pushing me away, and she darts out of the castle behind her.

“Wait!” she shouts, and Lilith turns around just in time to catch Fayla as she collides with her. “Are you sure you want to do this?” she asks, her tear-filled eyes searching Lilith’s.

“I have no love for my mother anymore…” Lilith says, looking toward the house. I follow her gaze as she smiles up at the Cadells, specifically Zarius as he pulls Arria close to his chest protectively. “This is my family now,” Lilith finishes.

“She’s…your mother…” Fayla sobs, looking back at her own mother as if imagining how she’d feel if she lost her. “I thought I lost mine when your mother attacked. I can’t imagine the pain you must be feeling. Take me with you, let me hold your hand when you find her?”

“There’s no way we’re taking you back to the battlefield!” Devion snarls at Fayla and I step forward with an unspoken warning. That makes Devion grin wickedly and clench his fists as he looks at me. “Come on, Bane, let's see who the better man is,” he taunts.

“Enough!” Kiera roars, stepping down the stairs and standing between Devion and me. “We’re all family now, there’s no need to fight.”

“Need, maybe not…” I say, feeling a little suicidal. “But I’ve wanted to go to head to head with this fucker for all my adult life!”

“Feelings mutual, you insignificant—”

“I said enough!” Kiera spits, pointing her finger at Devion warningly. He shrugs, his wings mirroring the movement, and turns his attention back to his woman. “We can send a crew,” Kiera continues. “Lilith and Devion, and some of the hunters, how does that sound?”

She turns toward me and I shrug one shoulder and fold my arms over my chest. “She might have been vaporized, might not be a body to find?” I offer, but no one seems to believe that.

“I want to go. Let me go with them, please?” Fayla pleads, backing away from everyone as if she expects someone is going to reach out and snatch her.

“Fayla, we just got out of there…” I say, trying to comfort her.

But she shakes her head. “She’s Lily’s mom. We can’t just let her go alone,” Fayla begs, clasping her hands to her chest as if praying for me to understand.

“She’snotalone!” Devion snarls.

I turn to glare at Devion for yelling at my woman and his eyes widen in shock. I’ll admit, I’m terrifying when I go all silver, but I haven’t done that yet.

“Fayla!” Zarius roars.

My head whips around just in time to see Angelica, covered in blood, snatch Fayla and fly into the air.