Page 46 of Fated Blood

She looks down at said hand and her lips thin into a tight line.

“Mother, it’s alright…” Fayla says, detangling herself from Arria’s side and moving to mine.

“Dominique called him Bane, though? As in the vampire assassin?” Arria says, reaching for her daughter with her face creased with worry.

“One and the same, but we fight for the same side now!” I smile wide, flicking my tongue over my new fangs.

“We’ll see about that…” Arria says warily, watching me like one would watch a rabid dog.

The sound of engines starts to fill the clearing, roaring over even the sound of the storm and the screams. I look up, watching helicopters fill the night sky just as assault vehicles pull up in the forest behind me. The Blood Knights are here.

We all duck as the first helicopter lands. The Monroes in the sky scatter like ants and duck for cover, waiting to hear orders from their bitch queen. I run to the helicopter, meeting the soldiers wearing black bulletproof armor as they jump, one by one, off the vehicle.

“Bane…you look pale!” my second in command, Rodrick, says with a grin.

I nod, looking at my naked form compared to all his layers of armor and weapons. “Remember that girl who tried to warn us? Turns out, she’s Zarius’ daughter,” I shout over the sound of the fighting and roaring engines.

“Why would she do that?” Rodrick yells back.

I shrug my shoulders and hold my arms out wide. “Well, this Forever Bound ‘bullshit’ isn’t bullshit at all. I’m hers, she changed me!”

“Well, fuck!” Rodrick says, giving me a devious side grin. “So we’re not killing them all now? Just the ones with the wings?”

“Wings and rotters. Except those ones!” I point out Devion and Lilith. “Let's save my new family, what do you say?”

We clasp forearms and turn back to the fray. All around us, humans have mixed in with the Cadells and are fighting side by side. I look at Fayla with pride. This is how it always should have been. This is how we defeat the Monroes and finally live a life of peace.

“Hey, uh, has he got any other daughters?” Rodrick says in my ear as he watches me watch my woman.

“No such luck, fucker.” I grin at my friend as my own shadows begin to form around me and my skin goes silver from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. “Let's get these bastards killed!”

He might have bullet proof armor, but I have vampire proof skin.

Together, we join the battle. I hack and slash with fangs and talons while Rodrick shoots silver bullets beside me. Before long, the bodies of the dead on the ground far outweigh the blades of grass.

Surely, the scales have tipped.



I’m covered in so much blood and rotten flesh that I hardly remember what my own skin looks like anymore. I watch Sebastian rip a zombie’s head from its shoulders and toss it to his Blood Knight friend who shoots it in midair. The skull erupts with a blast, spraying everyone with brain matter as the two friends laugh.

Above me the Monroes fly, darting down to the battlefield to pick up a human and drop them from high in the sky. Lilith and Devion zip around, catching as many as they can. My ears ring from the gunshots and explosions as Blood Knights throw grenades into the ever-growing population of zombies. They just seem to keep on coming, waves and waves of them, as if Angelica’s turned the entire world into monsters.

Slowly, my family and I are being cornered, pushed toward the edge of the cliff and the deathly drop it promises. We’re fighting on, struggling against the never ending current of dead, but each zombie killed equals a treacherous step back as they press ever forward. I look behind me, the dark waves of ocean crashing against the jagged rocks below like a gaping mouth. I pinch my eyes closed, panic setting in. If we can’t push them away, if we can't gain ground? We’re all going to fall.

Lightning crashes above, blood daggers flying every which way, and the roaring sound of a tornado is emanating from inside the castle. Xanthe is still looking for Mara, and part of me hopes she never finds her. Seeing Mara, I can only imagine what a mother seeing their child like that would be like.

I turn to face an oncoming zombie when someone grabs me under the arms and I’m suddenly flying through the air. I scream in shock, my shadows bursting out around me as I try and fail to get myself free from whichever Monroe is holding me. I hear Sebastian roar underneath me, but there’s nothing he can do. I’m hundreds of feet in the air.

Pain rips through me as sharp teeth sink into my neck and drink sloppily. Arms of corded muscle crush my body to a male one. He plans on draining me and I can’t do anything about it. I look around me, at the storm clouds filled with flashing lightning, terrified these may be my last few moments.

“I don’t fucking think so!” someone roars.

Something crashes into us and everything starts spinning. I'm careening through the air, the castle, the sky, and the sea swirling around me as I spin out of control. Whoever was holding me is falling too, but he’s screaming in pain and terror. His wings have been ripped from his back and they’re falling from the sky, detached from him.

Arms wind around my waist again, stopping my trajectory with a jolt. This time, we’re chest to chest and I scream in rage. My talons shoot out and rake down my captor’s back, but the fucker barely flinches.