Page 40 of Fated Blood

I look at them, the reason I became a vampire hunter, and for the first time in my life I don’t see heartless murderers. I see a family, a family who was so worried about Fayla that they invaded an enemy castle to rescue her. A family who tried to kill who they thought was her attacker, and one who stopped attacking the moment she made her choice obvious.

Zarius' cold, calculated eyes focus on me, narrowing. “So it’s you then, of all men, meant to be my daughter’s Forever Bound?”

“Ironic, huh?” Dominique says, bumping her hip into Zarius’ as she walks by him and faces Fayla and me. “Small world, isn’t it?”

“Are we just going to pretend you didn’t torture me for being associated with him? And then just let him join the family?” Dixie says, skipping in front of us with a big grin on her face. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Murderer! I had one of the best O’s in my life because of you!” She winks at me, rolls her eyes at Dominique, and then presses herself to Ever’s body as he approaches. “Who said a little pain can’t be fun?”

“What is she talking about?” Fayla hisses, and I see her shadows pooling around us as her rage climbs.

“Oh, babe, not like that!” Dixie laughs nervously. “Dom here tortured me thinking I was an assassin sent by your man. I wasn’t, but it was fun foreplay either way!”

“Did you lose your filter, Dix?” Dom asks, glaring at her. “That isn’t a memory I’d personally like to relive!”

“I never had a filter, sister dear! All real, all raw, take it or leave it!” Dixie smirks.

“Could leave it in the bedroom…” Corbett whispers, shrugging his shoulders. “Nice to meet you, sister.”

“N-nice to meet you all…too?” Fayla looks around at her newly found family and shivers.

“You are safe, safer than ever…” I whisper in her ear.

Her father nods his approval. “Right,” Zarius says, clearing his throat and standing tall. “It’s time to finish this, don’t you all think?”

The great leader doesn’t wait for a response. He turns on his heel and walks out of the cells with determination set in his features.

“Y'all will have to shadow your dirty bits, we didn’t have time to bring extra clothes!” Dixie says, her tone teasing as she skips out of the cell. “Wait up, big daddy! Don’t start killin’ without me!”

Ever grins after her, pride swelling his chest, and then he looks back to me. “Come, brother. Let’s make that bitch pay for what she’s done!”



For someone who hadn’t realized she has talons until today, I’m making use of them as if I’ve practiced for years. The slaughter that befalls us outside the dungeon is nothing short of a nightmare. I watch my brothers dive into rotten bodies as they swarm toward us. I cover my mouth and gag at the stench of decomposing organs spilling from the walking dead. It’s brutal, gruesome, but when I get my bearings I’m just as deadly as my family.

“Fayla, behind you!” Sebastian yells.

I spin in place and sink every single one of my talons through the shattered skull of a man. I blink, watching in horror and curiosity as his eyes roll back in his head. I pull my talons out, now covered in the rotten gray matter of what used to be a living, breathing human, and I feel disgusted. What Angelica has done to these people is foul, and destroying them feels like taking out her garbage.

Keening laughter echoes through the dilapidated castle, but no matter how far we go and how many members of the bloodthirsty horde falls, there’s always more. Angelica mocks us from somewhere above, laughing as she throws more and more lives away.

“Heartless wench, show yourself so this may end!” my father roars.

But his only answer is the wailing of another wave of the dead.

We stand in the grand entrance, our backs to the front door as Angelica’s demons do everything they can to stay away from the shining light coming through the busted entrance. Fighting is happening on both sides, Monroe sons in the sky and the Cadell family fighting from below. Hordes of dead come from inside the house and fall in grotesque piles before Father, Sebastian, Ever, Dixie and I. Outside, the rest of my family faces the last remaining souls of our enemy clan.

“How many can she possibly have?” I grunt, lashing out and gutting a monster. It wails in outrage, but keeps coming. They all keep coming unless their heads are removed or otherwise destroyed.

“The missing people in Sorin City and surrounding areas have risen exponentially—” Ever says, grunting as he runs his talons up through the soft tissue under a zombie's chin. “The homeless population is almost nonexistent now.”

“That is not okay!” I snap, rearing back and kicking my bare foot through the side of another zombie’s head. He must have been reallyreallydead because his brain and skull splatter on the wall beside him. “Why would people be homeless?”

Dixie laughs beside me, wrapping an arm around my waist and hugging me tight. “You’re so cute and innocent!”

“What?” I ask, startled. “Why would anyone be homeless? I’m sure there’s room…” I argue.

She pouts at me and pats my cheek affectionately. “You’re just the sweetest!” she says, smiling.