Page 26 of Fated Blood

“Not your teeth?”

“Excuse me?”

“Your teeth are the sharpest thing you have, and you’d have to break the skin first. Have you ever tried to just rip someone's skin off? I’m sure it isn’t that easy. You’d have to bite me,like a vampire,to get it started.” She smirks with victory.

“The things we do in the heat of battle can no more be held against us than—”

“Hold up, what a minute! So if I bite someone, I’m a bloodthirsty monster, but if you do it? It’s just the heat of battle?” She crosses her arms over her chest and tilts her chin up at me.

She’s too fucking smart for her own good.

“If I were a human and you were a vampire, I’d never have changed my tune. I would have lured you back through the hole, got my hands on that big, beautiful cock of yours, and ripped it off!”

“You’re fucked!” I cringe, pulling away from the hole in shock.

“You could have really hurt me with your fingers inside me. I could have bled to death. That would have been easier, right?”

“Are you really helping me plot how to kill you right now?” Is she insane? Did she lose her mind when they came down here and stripped all the secrets away.

“Maybe. Or maybe when Angelica’s son comes back down here I’ll see if he wants to touch me like you did?” She rolls her eyes to the ceiling, pursing her lips and tapping her chin while she thinks.

I’m filled with unbidden rage, imagining that fucker touching her. He could come in the cell, he could fuck her right in front of me! Take what I wanted! Take what should have been mine!

“This time, I’ll touch him until he…what did you say you did? Painted the wall with your seed?” She giggles as I get visibly angrier. “Or maybe I’ll let him lay me down. We’re both vampires after all, so no one would be dying. I’d moan for him, better than I moaned for you, and there’d be nothing you could do about it.”

“I’ll kill him before he ever touches you,” I threaten.

“But why? You don’t want me, never did. I meannothingto you, right?”

“Because I—”

“What? You had first dibs? You want to kill me. He may be keeping me prisoner, but he hasn’t shown me any direct violence. I bet it would be better with another monster anyway, you’re too soft, too weak.”

“I’ll show you weak!” I roar, grabbing hold of the rocks around the hole and pulling with all my strength.

The wall creaks and groans. My muscles bulge, my veins popping up over my skin like thick ropes, pulsating with every beat of my murderous heart. One rock comes loose, then another, before my strength wains. When I look back through the hole, there's genuine fear on Fayla’s face again. “Give me time, little princess, and I’ll rip a hole big enough for me to crawl through and you’ll see just how weak I am!”

“A death by you would be sweeter than starving.” A single tear drops from her eyes that had gone dry with her ire. “Whatever you do, make it quick.”

My heart pulls again, tugging, berating me inside my chest.

“As long as you die, who cares how it comes about?” I whisper hoarsely.

I’m a liar. My heart will never let me kill her. I may be able to let her die, fade away like all vampires should, but if push came to shove, I couldn’t do it with my own hands.

Not now. Not after everything…



It’s been three days since Angelica came and made the small bit of happiness I found down here shatter like a mirror. My body hurts so bad that it feels like I’m falling apart, like I am that shattered mirror. I’m broken and splintered, as if pieces of my mind are flaking away, all to be able to ignore the pain of this searing hunger.

I understand now why I never left the castle. My parents were protecting me from everything, pain, hunger, sadness, even loneliness. They shielded me from the way the world truly is, and by doing so, I was taken into this word completely blind and oblivious.

Sebastian went silent on the second day, refusing to even acknowledge my presence. It hurts almost worse than the clawing hunger.

Over time, my senses heighten. I can hear his heartbeat, hear the blood as it rushes through his veins. I can hear the skittering rats in the walls and high above me. The sound of a fly’s wings as it buzzes around Mara’s head. The sound of it licking her eyeball as it slowly becomes more and more desiccated.