I won’t survive a fall from this height.I know it, this thing knows it. Everyone on the ground is probably waiting for an Azarius pancake at this point, but I don’t give up fighting. I claw at its face, trying to gain purchase, while my left hand slowly loses its grip.

“Fuck,” I grind out.

It lurches again, in the opposite direction, and my second hand slips, sending me tumbling toward the ground. I hit the demon’s shoulder, knocking the wind out of me, and then I’m freefalling toward the ground wondering if there’s any way I’ll survive falling from such a height.


I had fully intended to keep my promise to Elio and Azarius and stay well away from the fight.

That was until I saw Azarius falling to his death.

With a scream, I rush forward, knowing there’s nothing I can do. Even if I teleport to the monster’s feet, I can’t catch him. He’ll crush me, then we’ll both be dead.

A dozen horrifying scenarios fly through my mind in the seconds he spends tumbling through the air, and my chest clenches painfully. Thankfully, Elio appears at the last second, catching Azarius midair, and I choke on a sigh of relief.

Rafe rushes forward, shifting into a ball of smoke that flies through the air and hits the giant Malev in the middle of the chest. To my surprise, the demon stumbles back several steps, nearly losing his balance.

My gut tells me I have the power to tilt this fight in our favor, even though I have no clue how I can achieve that. If fists and claws aren’t effective against the demon’s tough skin, maybe magic is the answer.

And by the looks of it, I’m the only warlock around, because Ignatius hasn’t turned back up.

My stomach drops with the realization. I thought for sure he’d come back, he’d come to help, but it’s obvious I was wrong. He’s not coming. We’re on our own, and my magic will have to be enough.

It has to be.

I slow to a jog, focusing all of my intention of disappearing and popping into existence again beneath the enormous demon. I don’t have a plan worked out, but I’ll figure it out when I get there. I’ll trust my instincts and hope they don’t let me down. Because, this time, it’ll definitely be the difference between life and a very painful death.

I focus harder, my magic rumbling beneath my skin, and then I disappear midstep.



My feet have hardly hit the ground when the giant Malev’s tail swings in my direction. I jump back to avoid getting hit, tripping over my own feet, and falling hard on my ass. Pain shoots up my back, but at least I avoided the jagged spikes on the demon’s tail.

That wouldn’t have been pretty.

I jump back up to my feet, and look around frantically, trying to figure out my next move. I probably should have had a plan before rushing in, but that’s clearly not my style. Act first, ask questions and figure shit out later. That’s typically how I do things.

Azarius is scaling one of the demon’s legs, using the jagged edges of the beast’s skin to climb him like a rock wall, and Elio is flying above, attacking the demon repeatedly in the face, trying to scratch out his eyes.At least, I think that’s what he’s doing.

The Malev swings a fist at my winged mate, but Elio dives and misses the blow.

My eyes fall to the rest of the monsters, who are trying and failing to make any headway. It doesn’t matter how many times they hit this giant demon, their blows merely bounce off.

Rafe’s powerful demon form is the only thing having much of an effect. Every time he slams into the demon, he staggers a bit, but he never goes down. Aside from knocking him off balance, I don’t know that he’s injuring the beast at all.

Damn it.

Several pairs of curious eyes land on me, but I try to ignore them. If they touch me, I’ll roast them. Plain and simple.

I tap into my magic, letting it buzz through my veins as I look for an attack point. My magic worked well on the smaller Malevs, but something tells me I need to find a weak point to attack first. Somewhere I can deliver a decent blow. Otherwise, I don’t know how well my magic will penetrate that thick hide.

I’m also pretty sure I’ll need more magic than I’ve used before, but I’ll worry about that later. Right now, I need to get off the ground.

“Elio!” I call, hoping my voice reaches him so high. When he doesn’t dive for me immediately, I yell his name again. “Elio!”

The giant takes a step forward, kicking into the crowd of monsters and sending several of them flying through the air. His tail swings my way again, and I manage to teleport a few feet backward, just out of reach. At the same time, a group of monsters run forward to swarm the giant, but he steps on two of them without batting an eye, and my stomach drops.