
I don’t remember making the decision to run, but suddenly my feet are pounding against the ground and I’m tearing off toward the brawl as fast as my legs can carry me.



Idon’t make it very far before Ignatius pops into existence in front of me and I slam into him full force. He stumbles back a step, but grabs me and manages to keep us upright.

“Ignatius, let me go,” I demand, attempting to shake off his hold. “We have to help them.”

He tightens his grip on my arms and stares at me in disbelief. “Are you out of your mind? You’ll be killed. We need to leave.”

Jerking hard, I manage to slip out of his grasp, stepping back to put distance between us.

“I’m not just going to stand by and do nothing,” I spit, attempting to sidestep him, only to have him block my path again. “You might be content to do nothing, but I’m not.”

He recoils like I slapped him across the face, his burning gaze staring holes through me as we remain at an impasse. I understand being afraid to fight, but the adrenaline in my veins is awakening the magic in my bones, making me itch.

There’s a reason I ended up in the monster realm and found Ignatius to help unlock my powers. I know there is, and if helping in this war isn’t the reason, I can’t imagine what it could be.

I have to help.

I have to fight for my mates, my home.

“Do what you want, Devyn,” he says, his voice low and emotionless. “But your blood won’t be on my hands.”

With those last words, he disappears, popping silently out of existence. I whirl my head around, searching for any sign of him, but there isn’t one. He’s gone.

What a fucking coward.

Swallowing down my disappointment at Ignatius’ unwillingness to help, I break into a sprint again, running toward the fray. There’s still a football field between us, and I know I’ll be exhausted by the time I get there, but I keep running.

What else am I supposed to do? Walk up casually before punching some ugly mother fucker in the throat?

Too bad Ignatius didn’t bother teaching me how to teleport.

I stop halfway to catch my breath, hunched over and breathing hard. Fuck, I’d forgotten how out of shape I am. I stare at the crash of bodies ahead, the steady belt of roars and grunts swirling around me, and I decide to try and teleport.

What harm can it do?

If I stand a chance of being useful, I can’t tire myself running that far. I wish Ignatius had just dropped me a little closer so I could have avoided all of this, but instead, he ran. He’s probably at home right now, chilling on his crispy sofa, safely out of harm’s way.

What an asshole.

I focus on the vibration of magic beneath my skin, tapping into it the way I’ve done for the last few days under Ignatius’ instruction, letting it bloom and swell until I feel it in every inch of my body.Intention.Magic is less about learning specific skills or memorizing runes and more about intention. If you focus hard enough, you can transform your magic to perform how you need it to.

Or something like that.

I focus on teleporting, my body vanishing and reappearing at the edge of the melee. Close enough to maybe pick off some of the smaller Malevs hovering near the edge of the warzone, but far enough away that I have a few seconds to collect my thoughts.

To my surprise, my magic flares, skittering across my skin, and I know I’m doing something right.

I focus harder, closing my eyes and willing myself to disappear. A swirl of wind wraps around me, rushing through my clothes and tearing at my skin, and I feel my feet leave the ground. For a brief moment everything, including me, blinks out of existence.

My feet slam into something hard a second later, and sound explodes around me. Growling, grunting, roaring, yelling. I open my eyes, expecting to find myself at a safe distance from the fighting like I’d imagined, but there are bodies moving all around me.

I overshot a bit and ended up right in the middle of the fight.