I open my mouth to tell him no, that I feel exactly the same aside from the adrenaline and fear thrumming through my veins, but I quickly snap my mouth closed again. Something else is flowing through me, along with the conflicting emotions. A faint hum vibrating beneath my skin, a steady flutter trying to escape through my pores.

Idofeel it. My magic.

My power.

The realization must register on my face, because a wide grin replaces Ignatius’ concerned expression.

“Incredible isn’t it?” he asks, his voice softer.

I nod, afraid to focus too long on prodding the energy bubbling through me, afraid of causing another fire. Or something worse.

“How are you so calm right now?” I asked, wringing my hands together to keep them from shaking. “Were you not scared?”

He chuckles once. “I have to say I wasn’t expecting that, but I’ve seen some unbelievable things in my days. Crazy, unexplainable, terrifying things. It’ll take more than a little fire to scare me.”

I force a laugh, which thankfully relieves a tiny bit of tension between my shoulders, and I take a deep breath.

Everything is fine.

Perfectly fine, except now I apparently have super-charged power buzzing through my veins and I have no idea how to control it.

Yep, perfectly fine.

“I’ll let you rest for a bit, but then we can practice with some easy spells,” he says. “Possibly levitation–that’s where I started.”

“You’re joking.” I blanch, glaring confusedly in his direction. “You want to unleash my magic again. I can’t control it. What if I set the house on fire again? What if I blow it up?”

“The only way you’ll learn to control it is by practicing,” he points out. Of course I know that, but it doesn’t mean I’m not scared shitless. “And I can handle anything you throw at me, I promise.”

I shift back and forth on the spot, not entirely convinced. It’s not that I don’t trust his abilities, it’s that I don’t trust mine.

Whatever sprinkle of magic I’d imagined to be in my veins wasn’t much.

This… this is a lot to take in.

“Okay,” I breathe, the smell of char and ash lingering heavily in the air. “Okay, we can practice. And then you’ll take me to your realm?”

He nods.

I swallow hard and take another deep breath, begging for my racing pulse to level out.

All I have to do is practice some spells with Ignatius and manage not to set his house on fire again, and he’ll take me to my mates. I’m not sure how long he wants to make me practice, but I can’t imagine it being for more than an hour or two.

How much can he teach me in such a short amount of time?

Practice, pack, leave.

I can do this.

“Sounds good.” I say, nodding and shaking out my hands. “When do we start?”

The corner of Ignatius’ mouth ticks up, and he gestures for me to take a seat on the end of the smoky couch.

“We can start right now.”
