I frantically blink away the tears in time to see the man clap his hands together and produce a spinning ball of pink light from his fingertips. It spins faster and glows brighter until it’s nearly blinding, and the monster behind me loosens his grip.

He doesn’t have time to run or attack, however, before the newcomer yells and sends the ball of light flying straight for him. It hits him, knocking him several feet down the alley, and the man runs straight past me without a passing glance.

I can tell by the murderous look in his eyes that there’s only one thing on his mind: revenge.

Regaining a bit of composure, I spin to watch the brawl unfold in the alley. If I thought the impact of the blast would have finished off my attacker, I’d be wrong. He’s already on his feet and swinging by the time I catch up.

The second man moves just as swiftly, punching and parrying like a highly-trained warrior. A well-placed kick sends my attacker flying into the brick wall, and the second man unleashes another ball of light that hits him straight in the chest. This time, I’m able to catch a glimpse of his face, and I gasp when I realize who is fighting for me.


He doesn’t acknowledge me but as his opponent slumps to the ground he takes his chance to deliver a killing blow–a bolt of white lightning straight to the man’s throat. Skin singed black and blood trickling from his mouth, the man stills and doesn’t move again.

I gasp for air, clutching at my chest for some kind of comfort. Nate turns and meets my eyes, the sinister lust for revenge replaced by intense worry.

“Are you okay?” he asks, heading toward me to inspect my injuries.

For the first time I look down to assess the damage and immediately taste bile. I’m covered in blood. Trails of it glide down my arm, drip down my legs. I instantly feel light-headed and I sway on the spot, threatening to topple over, but Nate catches me before I go down.

“Easy there,” he whispers, ushering me over to lean against the wall. “Stay there for a second.”

He reaches behind his neck and undoes the thin chain necklace he’s wearing, pulling a rectangular pendant out from beneath his shirt and taking a step toward me.

“Put this on,” he says and immediately sets to work getting it around my throat without permission.

Does this man really think a necklace is going to fix any of this? Has he lost his fucking mind?

“Umm.. Nate,” I say hesitantly, staring at his intent expression as he works. “What the hell is this?”

“It’s a health pendant,” he says, clasping the necklace and taking a step back. “It will use your magic to help speed up the healing process. It should also help with the lightheadedness, but we need to get you out of here. More of them will be along when they smell the blood.” He jerks a thumb toward the dead monster.

My brows furrow together as he speaks, and I try and fail to make sense of any of it.

“A health pendant?” I repeat groggily, but even as I say it I can feel my mind unfogging. “My magic? How do you know I have magic in me?”

Not even Rafe could detect the trace amount of magic in my blood. How can this man possibly sense it? He’s clearly some kind of warlock, but unless he has some kind of magic-detecting pendant buried somewhere beneath his clothes, I can’t fathom how he’d be able to guess.

“Because I know you, Devyn,” he says, standing before me and meeting my eyes again. Just like the first time I saw him in the bar, I can’t shake the slight sense of recognition tickling my mind. There’s something in his eyes, a kindness that I’ve seen before. “I helped you discover it.”

His words steal the air from my lungs, and I slap a hand to my mouth, fingers trembling.

Of course I recognize him. How could I not?




“Ican explain everything later, but we have to go,” he says, reaching for my hand. “I’ll take you back to my place. They won’t find you there.”

“What about Cara?” I ask, heart slamming painfully against my ribs. “I can’t leave her. She disappeared with some guy from the bar. What if he hurts her?”

“I’ve sent someone after them,” he says. “I can help him look, but I can’t do that with you here. Please, Devyn.”

He reaches for my hand again, and I let him take it, expecting him to lead me out of the alley. Instead, he steps closer, eliminating most of the space between us, and I stare up at him, confused.

“Hang on tight. This might hurt a little.”