“Damn it.” It almost doesn’t seem possible, yet it is. Somehow, I’ve gotten three days off track while moping around my apartment. “Well, what is there to do on a Friday, then?”
“If you’re wanting to behave we can go to the movies or go bowling,” she suggests thoughtfully. “But I wouldn’t say no to grabbing some drinks and shaking my ass on a dance floor somewhere. Maybe I can find me a boyfriend or two while we’re there.”
I know she’s mostly kidding–or maybe not–about finding two boyfriends, and I can’t blame her. It definitely has its upsides. She wouldn’t know what to do if I told her I really had three, even though the third is mysterious and distant. He barely acknowledges my existence when he isn’t rearranging my insides with his tentacle dick.
Yes, we definitely need to find someone for Cara to hook up with, and I’m more than down to play wingwoman for the night. I even know just the place for us to flaunt her around and get some free drinks.
“Have you ever heard ofThe Ch?teau?”
She purses her lips before shaking her head. “No, I don’t think so.”
“It’s a fancy place downtown,” I explain, remembering the elegant women that were headed inside the first time I saw it. It’s right next to the alley where we portal to and from the monster realm, and while it’s not the same as seeing my men in person, it might be close enough to put my mind at ease. It might be close enough to alleviate my homesickness. “It looks like the kind of place rich guys hang out at, but I’ll definitely need to make a shopping trip before we go. All I brought were jeans and shorts–definitely not club worthy.”
Cara’s eyes flash to the clock on the dash, and I can almost see the gears working in her mind as she works out exactly how long we have to shop, shower, and get ready before hitting the town. Finally, she grins and her eyes light up.
“The Ch?teauit is then,” she says, and pulls a U-turn in the middle of the empty street.
I frantically grab for the ‘oh shit’ bar above my head and give her a venomous side eye.
“What the hell was that?”
She giggles. “I don’t have time to go home and change before we go shopping, so I’ll just go like this. There’s only a few stains on this shirt. Not too bad.”
My eyes find the small dots of bbq sauce on her shirt from the restaurant she works at and I wave a hand dismissively. “You can barely even see them. Let’s go!”
One intense shopping trip later, we have our dresses for tonight, and we head back to Cara’s apartment to get changed. Her dress is royal blue, hugging her from shoulders to ass, and she chooses an intricate pair of silver heels that wrap around her calves to go with it. My dress is black and simple, but nearly dips down to my waist in the back. It’s sexy and understated in the front, but I’m not the one who all the eyes are going to be on tonight.
We’re on a mission tonight, and that mission is to find Cara a man.Or a woman. Whoever she wants to take home at the end of the night.
We fix our hair and I touch up my makeup, which still looks fine from this morning, and we take a dozen selfies before we’re finally ready to go.
“I think we should call for an Uber,” she says, staring down at the set of keys in her hand. “If I’m drinking, I’m not going to be able to drive.”
Fair enough. And if Cara is drinking, I’m sure as hell not being the designated driver. I’m ready to have fun and throw my ass in a circle too. If I only get one night to do this, I’m going to make the most of it. Besides, I’ve been cooped up for weeks. Now that I’m finally feeling up to it, I want to let loose and forget about responsibilities for a little while.
I want to forget about the war waging just beyond the veil between our realms. I don’t want to worry about my mates–I’ve done enough of that to last me a lifetime, and I’ll do much more of it after tonight. I just want to live a little and dance to some good music.
“Good idea,” I agree. “And if someone takes you home, you don’t have to worry about your car.”
She blushes and rolls her eyes at me, as if she’s suddenly regretting our plan to get her laid. “I doubt I’ll go home with anyone, but we’ll see. It depends on how frisky I’m feeling.”
“So make sure you drink Fireball.” I wink in her direction. “Got it.”
Imight have spent the last four months in a mansion surrounded by elegant furniture and expensive decor, but I still feel wildly out of place as we step intoThe Ch?teau. This place reeks of money, and I wonder how long it’ll take them to realize that Cara and I stick out like a sore thumb amongst these socialites.
The bouncer at the front door gave us one sweeping look head to toe before unhooking the golden rope barricade to let us in. He didn’t check our IDs, just let us slip right by him into a short hall that led to the belly of the establishment.
The lights are dimmed, but not like a dingy hole-in-the-wall nightclub. The lights here are perfectly arranged to illuminate the bar and vacant stage in the corner, while draping a seductive darkness over the rest of the room. Surfaces gleam and glitter in the limited lighting, making it almost feel surreal, and when I look over at Cara, her mouth is hanging open.
“Wow,” she breathes, admiring the place.
Wow is right.I’ve never been in a place like this before, and I’m not sure what to do next. Do we go to the bar to order a drink? Or do we migrate toward the empty dance floor. Upbeat music is pounding through the room, but no one is dancing. They’re all lounging, conversating, and most of them are watching Cara and me.
I swallow hard.