No matter how many times I tell myself that she’ll be safe, I’m not sure I believe it. Not entirely. Without being here to keep an eye on her, I can’t ensure her safety. And without a way to communicate, I won’t be able to ease my worries and check on her.
As we pile out of the car and Azarius tips the driver, my stomach drops through my ass to the ground, and I swallow hard. I’ve never dreaded something more in my life, and I’d rather take on an army of Malevolents alone right now than do what I’m about to do.
“Come on,” I say, despite the acid climbing up my throat. “We’ll show you around.”
Under different circumstances, I would be completely in awe of the apartment I’ll be occupying for the foreseeable future. I should have known my mates would never settle for anything less than the best, and this apartment is the nicest one I’ve ever seen–leagues better than the one I shared with Cara.
A wide open space greets us as we step through the door. It’s an entertaining area with a living room, dining room, and kitchen, connected by an elegant open-floor plan. Gray leather furniture, sleek appliances, and polished granite countertops. A wide screen television, hand-crafted dining table that seats six, and a few abstract paintings to break up the monotony of the white walls. It looks like something straight out of a home design ad.
However, despite the luxurious atmosphere, I can’t help but feel like I’m staring at a prison cell. Forced into a box to keep me safe while my men handle everything without me. The tiniest part of me is flattered that they would go to such great lengths to protect me, but a larger part is annoyed. It’s true, I am fragile by monster standards, and I’m no match for a Malev–we’ve proved that on more than one occasion–but I wish I could be useful somehow in this war.
I want to help.
Instead, I’m being banished to this elegant apartment to waste away until someone comes back for me.
Fucking great.
“What do you think?” Elio asks, shooting me a glance to assess my reaction.
“It’s beautiful,” I admit. “And if I wasn’t being forced to stay here, I’m sure I’d enjoy it.”
“But you picked Atlanta.” He cocks his head to the side. “It’s not too late to change your mind. We can go somewhere else–”
“That’s not it.” I shake my head and make my way further into the apartment.
There are two bedrooms, although one is set up to be an office. My room has a king-sized bed and a wide window framed with teal curtains. Simple, elegant furniture including a dresser and an entertainment center are situated against the walls, and there’s an enormous bathroom with a garden tub off to the left.
Like the rest of the place, it’s gorgeous, but it also makes me uneasy.
None of this stuff is mine, and no amount of time stuck here will make it belong to me. Beauty and luxury can’t make this place any less of a prison than it is.
Azarius drops my duffel bag at the foot on the bed and paces around the room, making sure nothing is out of place. Of course it’s not.
“Just like we left it,” he says, as though it’s some sort of surprise.
“Maybe I’ll redecorate while you’re gone,” I attempt to joke, even though my heart’s not in it. “Pink walls, glitter curtains. I think I can breathe some life into this place.”
Elio chuckles thankfully. “Do whatever you want to the place. It’s as good as yours.”
I blush at his words, loving the implication that whatever is theirs is also mine because of our mate bond, but it couldn’t feel further from the truth. My home is Rafe’s mansion.That’s mine.
Not this temporary hell.
“So what now?” I ask, looking between the two of them. “You just… leave?”
I choke out the last word and the corners of my eyes begin to sting, but I blink away the sensation. I refuse to cry in front of them, but I’ll probably break down after they’re gone. Once I’m left alone.
Azarius and Elio exchange glances, and I don’t miss the matching smirks that cross their faces. With a flick of his wrist, Elio checks the time on his watch, and his smirk widens into a grin.
“We still have a bit of time before our meeting,” he says, taking a step toward me and grabbing my hand. “And thereissomething else I want to do before I leave.”
My stomach flutters with maddening butterflies as I stare up into his dark eyes. Judging by the way they gleam, I’d say he plans to break in some of this apartment furniture by bending me over them, but nerves knot in my chest. Does he just expect Azarius to hang around while he fucks me one last time? Or does he plan for him to watch?Does he expect him to join?
My pussy clenches at the thought of both men taking me at the same time, and heat scorches my cheeks. I look between them, trying to decipher their silent conversation.