I open my mouth to assure him Ignatius became my best friend when he was the only person on Earth I had when they abandoned me, but the door swings open and grabs my attention. It’s best not to open that can of worms anyway. I finally let it die a few days ago–No reason to bring it up again.
“Devyn,” Ignatius says, and I whirl around to face him. He’s buzzed his hair short again and he’s wearing a dangling crystal earring. “Rafe. Elio. Azarius.” He nods at each of them respectively. “I wasn’t expecting you to visit today.”
“We thought we’d surprise you.” I smile, and he steps back to let us in.
We file into the living room, which has been completely redecorated and rearranged. Everything looks pristine, like it was never destroyed, and I feel a wave of relief. It had been so heartbreaking to see all his things destroyed last time. I’m glad everything is back to normal, the way it should be.
“Darius,” Ignatius calls toward the back of the house. “We have guests.”
My eyes dart toward the hallway, expecting Darius’ human form with bright blue hair to pop around the corner. Instead, a broad, blue-skinned monster steps out. He has white hair and white eyes, and lines of spikes sticking out of his arms. Even though I don’t recognize him, his warm smile is the same.
“Evening, Your Highnesses.” Darius bows slightly, and I roll my eyes. He can bow to Rafe all he wants, but it’s still too weird for me.
He crosses the living room in a few strides and bends to hug me, wrapping me in his thick arms briefly before stepping back again.
“Have a seat,” Ignatius says, gesturing to the wide couch behind us.
I gladly take a seat, Azarius and Elio joining me on either side, but Rafe lingers near the door like he’ll have to make a quick escape. I shoot him a curious look, admiring how sexy he looks leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.
“How are things?” Ignatius asks politely. “Anything exciting happening?”
“Things are great,” Elio answers for everyone. “Peaceful, finally.”
“Good.” Ignatius nods in approval as Darius joins him on the smaller couch. It sags beneath his weight, and he wraps an arm around Ignatius’ shoulders.
“Nothing too exciting,” I add. “Lots of traveling. I, for one, am exhausted.”
Azarius squeezes an arm around me, pulling me into his side and I rest my head on his shoulder. I instantly want to close my eyes and take a nap.
“That’s understandable.” Darius nods, looking between the four of us before his eyes land on me. “How far along are you?”
A laugh explodes out of me at the question because it sounds like he’s asking if I’m pregnant, and the idea is absurd. Clearly, he’s asking about something else, but I don’t know what it could be.
“How far along with what?” I ask, still giggling.
He shoots a confused look at Ignatius, brows furrowed over his pale eyes. “Does she not know?”
Ignatius looks at me, lips pursing, like he’s studying my reaction. “No, I don’t think so.”
“What?” I ask, sitting up straighter and narrowing my eyes at the pair of them. “What do I not know? Ignatius, you better start talking, or…”
“I’m sorry to ruin the surprise if you didn’t already know,” Ignatius interrupts, running slender pink fingers through his short hair. “But you’re pregnant, Devyn.”
I laugh, this time louder than before, and clap a hand over my mouth to stifle the laughter. There’s no way I’m pregnant. I’m not due for another shot for at least a month, and my birth control has never failed before.
Unless something about monster cum negates birth control.
Or my magic awakening did something to fuck it up.
My heart stalls and I stop laughing abruptly.
Is it really that far-fetched of an idea, considering all the crazy shit I’ve seen over the last few months?
My eyes bounce between Ignatius and Darius before I look at Elio, who seems just as shocked as I am. When no one says anything, I look at Azarius whose eyebrows are near his hairline, and then at Rafe, who looks amused by the accusation.
“Wh…” My brain short-circuits, and it’s hard to form words. “How can you tell?”
Darius shifts in his seat, looking increasingly uncomfortable. Good, that makes two of us. “Well… my grandmother was a vampire. I might not need blood to survive, but I can easily detect a heartbeat. And, right now, you have two.”