Tonight, my path is alive with the soft, silvery glow of the moon, casting an enchanting spell over the world. I don’t know why I chose this particular place; maybe I’m a sucker for torturing myself, but nevertheless, I follow the winding trail like a woman possessed.

The trail is still bordered by "No Trespassing" signs that had been there when I’d come with Noah. It’s a path of memories, a trail through my past that leads me closer to the ocean. My heart races with anticipation as I venture deeper into the darkness.

The path opens up to a small parking lot, barely more than a patch of gravel, and I walk along its edge, my footsteps soft against the rough ground. The sound of the ocean grows louder with each step, a soothing symphony of waves crashing against the shore. The moonlight paints the world in shades of silver and blue, and I feel like I have stepped into a dream.

As I continue along the edge of the lot, my eyes catch sight of the narrow, moonlit path leading down towards the water. It’s a hidden trail, one that Noah had carried me down once upon a time. The memories of those nights come flooding back—of secret escapades and stolen kisses, of laughter and our bodies exchanging whispered promises that were still ingrained in my mind.

I follow the path, the cool sand giving way beneath my feet as I make my way down to the beach. The sound of the waves grows even louder, more intimate, and soon, I find myself standing at the edge of the shore. It’s a secluded cove, surrounded by towering cliffs that stretch up to the heavens.

There is no one else here, just me and the vast expanse of the ocean. I walk closer to the water's edge, the cool, salty breeze tousling my hair. The moonlight dances on the surface of the sea, creating a mesmerizing display of silver and indigo. The waves lap gently at the shore, a tender caress that speaks of both solitude and solace.

I sit down on the sand, my legs crossed beneath me, and I simply stare at the ocean.

Though I’d wanted to come here and find that it wasn’t nearly as magical as I’d remembered it, to my chagrin, that wasn’t the case.

It’s like the sand and the water hold memories of those nights. And I’m forced to face the memory of them. I can't help but wonder if this place holds any answers, any clues to the path that lays ahead.

Noah floods my mind, and I don’t try to hold back the memories. I remember the way his eyes always sparkled in the moonlight, the warmth of his touch, the taste of his lips. We had been young and in love, and nothing had seemed impossible back then.

I sigh, my breath mingling with the salty sea air. How had it all gone so wrong? How had we let something so beautiful slip through our fingers?

I know that Noah had his reasons, but I can’t seem to let go of all the time we’d lost. What if I had never returned to Thatcher’s Bay? What if, because of my refusal to come home, I’d never found out the truth? What if I’d had to hold onto that fake betrayal for my entire life?

That was the hardest part to forgive—not the lie itself, but all the time that was wasted. Life is fleeting. Over before you know it. And we’d lost so much of it. The ache in my chest is still there, a constant reminder of what might have been.

But as I sit there, alone with my thoughts and the gentle rhythm of the waves, I finally begin to accept that I can't change the past. I can't erase the pain or the mistakes. All I can do is move forward, step by painful step, and try to find a way to heal.

I close my eyes, letting the sound of the ocean wash over me, and I whisper a silent prayer to the universe. Maybe, just maybe, there is still a chance for us, a chance to rewrite our story, to find our way back to each other.

But even if that chance never comes, I know that I will carry the memories of our love with me, like a beacon of light in the darkest of nights. And as I sit there on that secluded beach, I make a promise to myself—to never stop hoping, to never stop believing in the power of love to heal even the deepest of wounds.

"Just trust me."

"I do," I immediately say. And I realize that it’s true. I trust him more than anyone else in my life. It's a scary thing.

He takes my hand and we walk along the side of the parking lot until we get to a small path illuminated by the moon. Taking it down, we make it to a small beach enveloped by cliffs. There's no one else here, and no lights.

"This is old man Winter's private beach. But he doesn't come here this time of year so we’ll be totally fine."

Noah suddenly looks lost as he stares at the ground.

"Fuck, I didn’t bring the blanket I keep in my saddlebag, I really didn't think this through.”

I press myself up against him. "Just lay your jacket on the ground. That's good enough for me. I just want you," I whisper.

He groans as he captures my lips in a supple kiss, his hot, wet tongue sliding into my mouth, tasting me.

His tongue takes deep long licks, and it feels like he's fucking my mouth the same way that he does other parts of me.

Finally, he breaks away, his mouth moving to my ear. "You're so fucking beautiful," he murmurs. “And I’m so in love with you."

I hear footsteps behind me, and I don’t have to turn my head to know who it is.


Our souls seem to have a bad habit of reaching out and touching no matter where we are.

Noah sits next to me in the sand, his presence beside me casting a warm and reassuring glow despite everything. It feels almost like destiny as we sit there, as if the universe has conspired to bring us back together in this place of memories and regrets.