What the fuck is wrong with me?
Between my self-loathing and the rain tapping ferociously at my window, it’s a wonder I even hear the light knock at my door, pulling me away from my troubled thoughts.
It’s probably Clara wanting to check up on me to see if I’m alright. She saw how close to the edge I was. How easily I was about to shatter in her daughter’s arms. And then again with how my face fell when Sky pulled away from me to run back to the safety of her room.
I’m not in the right frame of mind for another lecture. Or worse. Clara whispering words of hope in my ear, when we both know there is none to be had.
Determined to send her away, I walk over to the door and open it, shocked to find a drenched Sky waiting there for me. Rain pours down on her face and body as she just stands there, silently waiting for me to invite her in or ask why she’s here. Not wanting her to catch pneumonia waiting for my brain to catch up with my mouth, I swing the door fully open and pull her quickly inside.
“No.” She shakes her head, pressing a finger to my lips to shut me up. “I don’t want to talk.”
My throat dries instantly at the intensity in her eyes.
Ever so gently, I brush her finger away, only to lace my hand with hers.
“Then what do you want?” I ask gruffly, feeling every inch of me burn with desire.
“You.” The word has barely left her lips when I feel them pressing against mine.
I don’t think. I just react, letting her take whatever she wants from me. Like Sky, her kiss is demanding, breaking through any resistance I could possibly have. All my previous worries and concerns fly out the window as she wraps her arms around my neck and walks me across the room, over to my bed.
“Sky,” I beg when I feel like I’m losing it.
“No talking,” she orders in between kisses. “No words. Just this. Just us.”
I groan into her mouth as she presses her hot core into my hardened length. I bite and nibble at her fat bottom lip, as her arms fall away from my neck so she can run her hands over my bare chest. Every light touch she makes with her fingertips feels like a torch to my insides. I let her burn me alive, hissing when she snaps my towel from my waist and drops it on the floor. She then pushes me onto the bed, leaving me wanting and crazed for her next move.
I hold myself up by the elbows, as her eyes scan every inch of my hardened body, my cock bobbing away with just one hungry look. My chest tightens as she grabs the hem of her soaked t-shirt and pulls it over her head, her eyes always locked with mine. My hands fist the duvet at my side to keep me in place as she kicks off her sneakers and begins to taunt me by slowly shimmying her shorts down those fucking long legs of hers. Left in only a pink bra and lace panties, my restraint starts slipping at rapid speed, as does my resolve for letting her take the lead in what’s about to happen next.
“Sky, you have exactly ten seconds to take those off and sit on my lap. Any longer and I’ll fucking rip them off you.”
I know I just broke her sacred rule of not talking, but like hell I’m going to keep quiet now.
The little brat just cocks a mischievous brow at me, making no move to abide by my demand.
“Ten,” she mocks, running her hands seductively up and down her body to torment. “Nine,” she whispers, cupping her breasts in her palms, giving them a good hard squeeze. “Eight,” she continues to taunt, leaving a hand firmly attached to one breast, while the other begins to travel south…until it’s right there…stroking the lace of her panties.
“One,” I belt out, lifting off the bed just enough to pull her by the hem of her panties so she’s trapped in between my thighs.
“You cheated,” she pants, running her fingers through my wet hair. “You said until ten.”
“Fucking sue me, Sky.”
Ten seconds was too long to wait anyway.
I’m surprised I survived to the count of eight with the show she was giving me.
I start peppering the flat of her stomach with butterfly kisses, as my arm stretches at her back to unhook her bra, inhaling her arousal like its fucking oxygen. Once I help slip off the straps, I perch my chin on her belly button to look up at her face, completely in awe of how beautiful she looks.
Her eyes are two fine lines, hooded with the same desperate need that is currently taking over all my senses. Never leaving her sight, I lean down and run my nose up and down her slit, the sound of a gasp leaving her parted lips becoming the sweetest song I could ever hope to hear. I lick my lips hungrily, as in one quick pull, I rip her panties at their sides, revealing a shaven mound for my mouth to devour.
“Grab my shoulders,” is all I have the fortitude to say before my mouth latches onto her pussy.