“You mean you’ve never been in a relationship aside from the ones back in high school?”
“Nope.” He pops the p at the end and leans forward. “I haven’t been with anyone since you left. What would have been the point? I had already found the love of my life. There was no need to keep searching.”
If my ovaries had an internal clock, then I think this man just turned the damn thing on in hyperdrive mode.
Uncaring of who will see us, I plant my hands on his shoulders and pull myself up just high enough for my lips to meet his. Noah doesn’t hesitate and kisses me with the same ardent passion currently streaming through my veins. When we finally break apart, Noah’s eyes hood instantly, his hands finding purchase on my hips.
“You sure you don’t want to go for a walk and talk about it some more?” He cocks a roguish brow.
“I might be persuaded, if by talk, you really mean fool around?” I tease, biting my bottom lip.
He doesn’t even offer me a reply, quickly grabbing my hand to lead me to only God knows where.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Mr. Curt Fontaine and newly married Mrs. Daisy Monroe to the dance floor for their father/daughter dance.”
“Wait! Wait!” I shout to Noah when I hear the presentation. “I don’t want to miss their dance.”
“This better be good, old man,” Noah curses under his breath but abides by my request.
We make our way to the dance floor again, Daisy and Curt dancing flawlessly in circles, making everyone tear up a little at the sweet scene.
But then it happens.
The melodic song playing scratches and is replaced by none other than Soulja Boy’s ‘Crank That Soulja Boy’. Curt and Daisy just stare at each other for a few brief seconds, shrug, and then break into the dance inspired by the song.
“No fucking way!” Noah cackles as we watch the pair get into it like a couple of teenagers after a few too many.
For the following five minutes, everyone claps and cheers as Daisy and our dad dance to the craziest songs ever expected to be heard at such an elegant wedding reception. From John Travolta’s ‘Grease Lightning’to MC Hammer’s ‘Can’t Touch This’to Beyonce’s epic‘Single Ladies’.I’m laughing so hard that I can’t keep up with their eclectic playlist or dance moves, my tears making everything too blurry to keep track of. But that’s okay because I’m pretty sure everyone with a phone is currently filming this, and it will undoubtedly be on YouTube before the night is over.
When they are finally done, and take their well-deserved bow, they urge everyone to accompany them onto the dance floor—thankfully for a slow song. Curt swaps places with Derrick and begins to dance with my mom, who is still laughing at her husband’s antics.
“This family always surprises me,” I whisper, my head nestled against Noah’s chest.
“What is not surprising is how they are still the world’s best cock blockers,” he jokes.
“Hey, be nice. That was amazing what your dad just did for Daisy. Grant wouldn’t even have bothered. Too much effort for too little reward,” I explain, my father’s words ringing out in my ears.
Noah lifts my chin and looks deep into my eyes.
“None of that, little stalker. Today is a good day. Let’s enjoy it.”
“It has been a wonderful day, hasn’t it?”
“The best I’ve had in a long time, Sky,” he whispers, love swimming in the vast ocean that is his eyes.
I’m about to open my mouth to suggest that, after this dance, we go find a place to be alone, when the couple next to us nudges Noah’s shoulders to pull his attention to them.
“Just wanted to congratulate you on last week’s race, Noah. Can’t wait to see you blow everyone out of the water at the Grand Prix next year.”
“Thanks, man. I appreciate it,” Noah replies politely.
The dancing duo go on their merry way, completely unaware that they just brought up the elephant in the room that we have been trying to ignore.
“When do you have to go?” I ask, unable to meet his eyes.
“I’m supposed to leave by the end of next month. At least, that was the plan.”
“Was?” I ask, gaining the courage to lift my gaze to meet his.