With that, she moved to take a step towards the front door only to find herself scooped up in Jason’s arms.

“Oh, come on!” she said, trying to get out of his arms, but the big bastard refused to let her go.

“We’re going upstairs,” he stated calmly as he carried her across the foyer to the elevators.

“We can go upstairs later,” she pointed out as she continued to struggle to get free.

“No, we’re doing this right,” he said firmly as he pressed the call button for the seventh floor.

“Going there is the right thing to do!” she explained, wondering why he was fighting her on this.




“But, they’re going to close in a few hours!” she desperately pointed out as she tried to crawl over his shoulder just as he stepped into the elevator.

“They’ll be open tomorrow,” he calmly explained as the elevator doors closed slowly behind them.

“But there’s still several hours of fun left in the day!”

“I said no, woman!” he said, adjusting her so that she was thrown over his shoulder and unable to dive to freedom.


“I said no! So stop trying to ruin my fucking special night!” he snapped with typical Bradford drama.

Rolling her eyes, because she knew there was no use wasting her breath trying to talk sense into her irrational husband, she slumped over his shoulder and relaxed, waiting for the perfect moment to escape his clutches.

Chapter 6

“Are you hungry?”

There was a slight pause before Haley whispered, “No.”

“Do you want to take a bath?” he asked, gesturing towards the whirlpool tub in the corner of the large suite that was theirs for the next week.

She sighed, long and heavy as she continued to stand there, with her face pressed against the window along with her hands as she stared off towards the bright lights that marked the large Ferris wheel spinning in the distance. “No,” she mumbled, making his lips twitch.

“We can go tomorrow,” he reminded her as he walked around the large suite, absently noting the prices on the mini bar stocked with liquor and overpriced nuts.

“I know.”

“Do you want to watch a movie?” he asked, absently gesturing towards the large flat screen television mounted on the wall.

“No,” she sighed softly as she continued to stand there, staring at the colorful lights.

“What do you want to do?” he asked, smiling when any other man would probably be pissed that his new wife was more interested in pressing her cute little nose against a window, staring off longingly at a theme park instead of spending time with him.

“Nothin’,” she said with another one of those sighs that had him chuckling as he shook his head, giving up. This was why he loved this woman after all….

She was like no other woman that he’d ever known and she was his.

“Why don’t we go for a walk and I’ll let you buy me some fried dough,” he suggested, grabbing one of the keycards off the bureau and headed for the door, deciding that there was no better time like the present to prove that his father’s theory was typical Bradford bullshit passed down from generation to generation with the sole purpose of fucking with each other’s heads.

“Okay!” Haley said excitedly as she ran past him, grabbed the door and threw it open.

Resigning himself to a long night of chasing after his wife, he followed after her, closing the door behind him and wondering if Haley was going to end up being the first Bradford wife in the history of his family to earn a ban.




“Haley, let go!” Jason said, clearly struggling not to laugh as she fought for her rights as a vertically challenged person.

“I’m tall enough!” she argued, tightening her hold on the barrier that stood between her and the ultimate rollercoaster ride.

“Sweetheart,” Jason said, adjusting his grip on her as the ride attendant shifted nervously even as he gestured for the rest of the line to move through the gate, “you’re half an inch too short for this ride.”

“I was slouching!”

“All ten times that you demanded a re-measure?” he asked with a mocking tone that she really didn’t appreciate, not right now when she was being discriminated against.

“I’m tall, damnit!” she snapped as she tightened her grip on the barrier.

“Sure you are,” Jason said, readjusting his hold on her.

“I’m going on that ride!” she bit out, more determined than ever to-

“Oh, come on!” she snapped when Jason finally managed to pull her off the barrier and carry her away from the ride that she’d waited forty-seven minutes in line to go on.

“There’s no line for the Ferris wheel,” he calmly pointed out while she struggled to free herself and go claim her rightful spot in the front of the line for the ride that pretty much guaranteed that she wouldn’t be able to eat another bite tonight without praying for death.

“I don’t want to go on the Ferris wheel,” she said with a sniff and a pout.

“Do you want another caramel apple?” he asked, placing her on her feet, apparently believing that he could catch her if she decided to make another run for it.

“No, no I do not wish for another caramel apple, sir,” she said, pointedly looking away from the man that had already betrayed their wedding vows even as she allowed him to hold her hand.

“Would you like to play some of the games?” he asked, using her weakness against her.

She nibbled on her bottom lip as she looked around, noting all the games surrounding them, boasting large prizes that she could definitely see herself snuggling, and nodded. “We could do that.”


“I’m so tired,” Haley mumbled with a slight whimper as she climbed on the big bed, kicking her shoes off as she went.

“Me too,” he said, dropping all the loot that he’d won for her on the floor by their suitcases.

“That was so much fun,” she said with a sleepy smile as she curled up on her side and closed her eyes.

“I’m glad that you had fun,” he said, pleased beyond words that he’d been able to give Haley the perfect day.

“I can’t wait for tomorrow,” she said, her sleepy little smile turning impish, letting him know that she was still determined to get on that damn rollercoaster. Not that he’d expected her to give up.

He hadn’t.

Besides, he knew how to keep her distracted, he thought as he grabbed his car keys. “I’m going to run to the store. Do you need anything?”

She shook her head as she snuggled her pillow. “I’m good.”

“I’ll be back soon,” he said, watching her for a moment, still unable to believe his good luck.