Page 96 of Ruthless Ends


The room falls into silence at Reid’s voice. “He’s respected outside of the estates. I went looking for him when I was trying to find you, and everyone I came across knew who he was. He’s well known, even if only for his reputation. He’s recruited a good deal of Westcott’s followers, worked with them for years. They see him as one of their own. He has experience with leading his pack. I think he’s the best choice.”

“And if they don’t accept him? He’s spent just as much time at the estates. They might not trust him anymore,” offers Adrienne.

“Didn’t you say his followers are all wearing those cuffs?” asks Daniel.

“What about them?” I ask.

He scoffs and spreads his hands like it’s obvious. “Isn’t that like a freaking candy store for an alchemist?”

“They might be able to use it to influence them,” I breathe, “especially since we know exactly what they’re made of. Cam’s camp made most of them.”

“The spell would give us control of Westcott,” adds Adrienne. “So we can make it look like a peaceful transition of power. He can help talk his followers into it too. Make them more open to the idea of negotiating with the estates instead of just getting revenge.”

“And if they’re not interested in singing Kumbaya?” mutters Leif.

“Then we get the estates in on it,” offers Monroe. “As backup.”

“So, ambush them,” corrects Kirby.

“The spell also requires a sacrifice,” I cut in, the growing excitement and hope in the air making me nauseous. “And it…” I clear my throat. “They wouldn’t die fast. It would be…horrible.”

The room sobers at that, but quietly, Adrienne says, “I think we should use Nathan. He’s set to be executed in a few days anyway. And this could save thousands of lives, maybe more.”

Monroe’s head snaps up, and I wince as she meets my eyes. “You want to sacrifice Nathan,” she repeats.

“I don’twantto do any of this,” I correct.

“And Nathan won’t be the only one dying if you go through with this.”

I straighten, the words of the others blurring to the background as I try to figure out where the hell V’s voice is coming from.

“I can get Auclair and a few of the others on board,” Reid is saying. “The estates are getting desperate to end this with Westcott. I can gather enough support.”

“And if I throw my support behind it as well, that could help build some momentum,” offers Anya.

Finally, I spot V lingering in the corner of the room. Her form isn’t fully materialized, almost leaving her transparent as she props a shoulder against the wall and crosses her legs at the ankles.

“I agree with Adrienne,” says Kirby. “I think this is our best bet.”

“And what if it doesn’t work?” counters Daniel. “Then we just butcher this guy for fun?”

“You don’t know what he’s done,” Monroe says through her teeth.

“Then enlighten me! Is it enough to deserve this? And we’re qualified to make that call how?”

V nods her head to the side before disappearing through the door. I take a step to follow her and meet Reid’s eyes.

“I’ll be right back,” I murmur. “I need some air.”

He nods, though I can feel him watching me as I step into the hall.

It’s empty and quiet, no sign of V. I grit my teeth and pace to the end of the hall. “I’m really not in the mood for the games today,” I mutter under my breath. “If you—”

“I’m trying tohelpyou here, Valerie. You could sound a little more grateful.”

I spin around to find her leaning against the wall right behind me.