Page 111 of Ruthless Ends

The necklace burns hot against my chest, hot enough that I yank it away from my skin and find a burn. The magic pounds against the walls of my chest—angry, screaming. I grit my teeth against it and feel a hot, thick liquid trickle onto my top lip. I try to lean into the magic, but all I feel is more blood dripping from my nose. The wind whips arounds us, sending rain into my eyes, and I swipe the blood away before anyone else can see.

The necklace.It’s holding the magic back somehow. The protection comes from keeping me from getting too close to the dark, but I don’t think I can complete the spell from this distance.

And this can’t be for nothing. No one else can finish this but me.

I yank on the necklaces until the clasps break, then drop the protective one to the ground and keep the one meant for V in my fist.

The magic roars in my chest, rejoicing and racing through my veins like smoke with its newfound freedom.

“The oil,” I croak. “The rest goes on him.”

Avery and Monroe step up together, joining hands as they pour what’s left of the vials over Nathan’s back, and he goes up in flames.

Fire is lethal to vampires, though I’ve never used it on one still living. I always imagined the death would be quick. Perhaps under normal circumstances it would be. But this seems to stretch on forever.

More. More.

The light from the fire is so bright it’s almost blinding. I see Saint and Leif out of the corner of my eye turn away, unable to watch any longer.

More. More. More. More.

“Well done, Valerie. I knew you could do it.”

V’s voice carries on the wind, all around me and nowhere. I blink, breaking out of the trance, and turn, looking for her, my fist clenched around the necklace. I just need to get it on her—

The last thing I see is the fire reflected in her eyes before she shoves me in the center of my chest, and I fall, and fall, and fall.


It’s darker here.So dark thatdarkis no longer an adequate description. And the air feels so much colder, thinner. Some instinct inside my body knows where I am before my mind catches up.

But unlike before, nothing looks familiar. Well, the trees look the same, but there are no lights in the distance. Not just for the estate but…anywhere. Like there’s no civilization for miles. Only hollow echoes of the wind.


I can’t see or feel the others because even if they’re standing in this same field, they’re far away from here.

What had V said before? That I’d toed the line of the shadow realm with that spell, but I’d never fully crossed over. Well, I’m definitely here now.

If she stepped into my place, will they be able to tell the difference?

I never should have taken that damn necklace off. I’d known she’d try something, but I’d been foolish and arrogant enough to think I could handle myself. She’d known all along what state I’d be in if I performed that spell. How weak I’d be.

How close I’d be to the shadows after using that much dark magic.

And she probably knew I wouldn’t be able to pull it off unless I removed the ward. The perfect opportunity.

I turn a full circle, taking in my surroundings, though all I can see is darkness, fog, and trees. Each breath I pull in is shorter than the last, my head starting to swim from the lack of oxygen.

Whatever V has planned, I have a feeling this was only the start.

I have to get back.I have to get back.

I have to warn them.

Reid.He’ll know right away that it’s not me. He could feel the difference in the bond the last time I crossed to the shadow realm. But V would have suspected that. What if she’s planning to hurt him? And the spell—did we complete it before she pushed me over? Cam—
