Manny’s lip curled. “Sook-Jae was bothersome, but what happened to his sons was an injustice. For that reason I cannot forgive the Kazakura. There will be a reckoning for them very soon but there is a risk that the girl will be caught in the middle. ”

Ross said nothing. He stared down at his old friend.

“Virginia is far away from the Yakuza,” Manny reasoned. “You may do as you wish with her as long as you keep her identity hidden. I know you to be an honorable person. You won’t mistreat her. I will pay for her upkeep for the first year—”

“Look, Manny…”

“It’s simple, isn’t it? Everybody wins. You could even get her pregnant— I would do it quickly as possible. She will never leave you, then.”

“Manny! I haven’t agreed to anything!” Ross exclaimed. He was alarmed that Manny’s absurd proposition that was taking on the dimensions of a reasonable suggestion. “In fact, I refuse. I’m sorry, Manny, but this is insane. It’s a no.”

“Ross-kun, at least meet her,” Manny insisted.

“I don’t think so.”

Manny looked away, gaining a speculative look that Ross knew meant trouble. “Then I have no choice.”

“What do you mean?” Ross asked.

“I’ll have to give her to the Kazakura.”

Ross shook his head. “Nah, Manny. Come on.”

“But then again, she’s a virgin. I can get money for her— there is a brothel in the Philippines…Shumi-san will contact them for me.”

Ross went pale. “Hold up a minute, you fucked up son of a bitch. Don’t do that, Manny.” He looked down at the photograph of the girl, her cheerful smile. She seemed so young and innocent.

“Agree to meet her.”

“Fuck!” Ross swore angrily. “The answer is no. I’m not wading into some Yakuza war on your behalf, no matter how many kegs we chugged together.”

“I understand. I will have to make amends with Sook-Jae’s spirit by some other means.”

Ross rubbed his jaw. “Seems harsh, what they did to him. Just for being a rat?”

“He was also stealing money, and sleeping with the wives of both Yakuza Lords,” Mangjeol explained.


“Look, Manny, I get it. You do have my sympathies.”

“Thank you, Ross.” Mangjeol shrugged, then offered his old friend a conciliatory smile. “Have you eaten yet? Forgive me, I brought you here very early. I will arrange a meal.”

Ross glanced at his Omega and found he’d only been in the building for fifteen minutes. It felt more like five hours. Actually, he wanted to go back to his hotel room and work on his side project, organizing the Art Auction coming up in three weeks.

He glanced up at his friend, unable to explain his unease. It seemed to Ross that Manny had given in rather quickly.

But what could he do? Wasn’t like Manny could force him to smuggle the girl out of the country. Manny put in a breakfast order with Shumi-san then turned to his old friend.

“Ross, I wanted to show you something. A new product— all classified.”

“What’s that?”

“A pill. Not even Quinton knows about it. This drug removes mental resistance to a suggestion. You could make someone do anything you wished.”

Manny opened something on his computer and beckoned Ross over to examine some numbers. “What do you think?”

“This sounds like some damned illegal shit.” Ross whistled through his teeth, seeing dollar signs. “Well, now.”