“I don’t see any little girls here, just one big old bitch! Take care I don’t smack some manners into you!” Angel said, her eyes huge as they could get and moving between Ross and the lady. “Ross, is this your wife?”

Tina broke free and lunged for her, but Ross managed to block her and strong-arm her out of the room. The woman began sobbing furiously; she sounded crazy, but love could make you crazy and obviously this woman loved Ross.

“You’re pregnant!” Angel heard him bellow. “Why the fuck are you drinking?”

“Because you hurt me!”

Feeling cold to her bones, Angel followed them, pulling on the Henley shirt over her naked body. She trembled from head to toe. Her fury with Ross grew each passing second. This whole time he’d been married! And was this womanpregnant? Did she hear that right?

“You bastard,” the woman named Tina was wailing. “How could you?”

“You are delusional,” Ross said to her, thrusting her down in one of his fancy hardwood dining chairs.

“Who is this girl?”

“My girlfriend,” said Ross. Angel laughed cynically, her heart breaking. He was full of shit! Just like all men!

“You’re with someone?” Tina screamed like she’d been stabbed with a kitchen knife and fell out of the chair. It was hard for Angel not to feel sorry for her in a fucked-up way. Ross didn’t even look ashamed. Just beside himself and annoyed.

“She’s drunk,” he told Angel. Angel leaned closer and sniffed; he was right. But that didn’t excuse anything. That didn’t excuse the fact that he was married. She felt angry, betrayed and helpless.

Tina’s cries turned into hiccups when Ross took down a bottle of wine from the open kitchen shelf and poured her a glass. On second thought he transferred it to a plastic cup.

“Jesus, Tina, did you walk in the rain? The baby— ”

“It’s not your baby, so why do you care?” She snapped.

“Wash the stink off her,” commented Angel.

“Angel,please.” Ross turned back to Tina. “So what’s this about, T? Why are you here?”

“You made me think we were back on,” Tina said as she finished the wine in three swallows. “You had me fooled.”

“You fooled yourself. What happened at Elroy’s was a mistake and I won’t be repeating it,” said Ross firmly. “We’re done. Done. You have absolutely no permission to come running up on my property like this.”

“That little girl looks like a prostitute,” said Tina.

Angel nearly had the bitch by the lacefront when Ross hauled her back. “No, sweetheart, no,” he muttered in her ear, clutching her close with a large forearm crammed under her breasts.

“Let me go!” Angel howled.

“She’s just trying to rile you. Don’t listen to her. She’s nothing to me and hasn’t been for a long time.”

“You gonna let her talk to me like that?”

“No, I’m not.” He turned to Tina and said, “Woman, unless you want me to call the police you stay in that chair and hush your fucking mouth.”

“Fuck you, Ross McCall!”

Ross whispered in Angel’s ear, “I’m sorry.” She felt his hard dick on her ass and shivered.Mine. “I’m sorry,” he said. His dick pulsed. Hard for her. Only her. “Don’t be upset, I’ll get rid of her.”

“You got me fucked up,” she told him shakily.

I’m not a prostitute,thought Angel. But wasn’t she? Before this woman came in, she had just offered her body to Ross for the payment of a roof over her head and a place to stay.

Tina watched them carefully, her drunk eyes moving between Angel and Ross. She reached for the bottle of wine. “Slut,” she mouthed to Angel.

“Does she really need more of that?” Angel gritted her teeth and tried to suppress the urge to break the bottle over the bitch’s head.