Angel ate to her heart’s content, and then she ate some more. The food was all delicious. They washed it all down with cold lemonade and then they busted into the chocolate cake.

“You eat like this and you look like that?” she said in wonder as Ross scraped the last bit of chocolate icing off the plate.

“Hardly ever.”

“This is so good.”

“Worth every calorie.” He flashed a smile that made her quiver inside. Then they went to the couch and started up the first episode ofPreacher Man.

“So how come you don’t have a lady or a wife or something?” Angel mumbled, inhaling the clean male scent that permeated the whole house.“You ever want kids?”

“Of course.” Suspiciously he remembered her words while she had been under the trance. “Why do you ask?”

“You’re so rich I guess you could pay for it if you wanted to.”

“Many do,” shrugged Ross. “But I always wanted the real thing. Money can’t buy what matters.”

She fell asleep with her head on his chest. After a few moments of enjoying the sensation, Ross picked her up. He started to carry her to the guest room bed, but on second thought he brought her to his own room.

She woke up as he was putting her to bed. Sleepily she asked him for a toothbrush. He found her an extra, plus a towel and a blanket.

After she cleaned herself up he did the same. In the shower Ross thought about the future explanations he’d have to give to people over this girl, then decided he didn’t care.

“Why did you bring me in here?” She asked him as he rolled in the bed beside her.

“Do you want to move?”


He shut off the light. They lay beside each other for less than a minute before he was dragging Angel underneath him.

They kissed and kissed, their lips learning the shape of the other, their breath mingling. Ross imagined she tasted like the inside of a flower. He shouldn’t be doing this, but the chorus of his better angels was distant in his mind. He had never been so turned on in his life. As he mauled Angel’s lips between his teeth, sucked on them, he ground his dick on her and slid two fingers around her clit, teasing it back and forth through its saucy wetness.

Angel responded to his aggressive advance with complete pleasure. “Yes,” she whispered. In no time she was scrabbling at his body. She pulled his dick out; her small hand closed around the shaft and stroked up and down. She wanted it.

“Can I taste him?”

“For a minute.” He wanted to make sure she came first.

She scrambled down the bed and knelt on the floor. Ross sat up on the edge, his heart pounding with excitement. He stroked her kinky hair back over her face as she swallowed his dick, sucking him deep between her full, soft lips.

“You smell so good,” Angel whispered. Her innocence mingled with the minx-like lust drove him wild. She slurped down as far as she could go, relaxing her jaw and throat to get him in deep. Meanwhile her hand stroked him, paying special attention to the sensitive underside Another minute and Ross was thrusting into her, fucking her mouth.


Ross’s toes curled into the plush carpet. His hand shook as he guided her head down to lap at the pearly drops splashed across his muscled stomach.

He pulled her up again and tumbled her down to the bed. She wined up against him as if trying to get his dick inside her panties without using her hands.

“Woah, babygirl.”

“Can I say something?” She whispered in his ear.

“Yeah.” He jacked his dick against her soft, silky stomach. “What?”

“I’m yours,” she panted. Her eyes widened at him in the darkness. The sight of his long dick lined up from her pussylips to her navel drove him crazy.

“I’ll take care of you the way you need, Ross.” She flung her arms around his neck and in that moment confessed everything she had been thinking. “I want to stay here with you. Nobody’s making me feel that. Not Manny, not anybody. If you want…I can just stay right here with you.”