And she’s wearing those nothing-panties. I could fuck her. I could fuck her.

She moved like a girl half-asleep, but still begging for dick.

What was he supposed to do? He touched her. Just touching, not fucking, nothing. He cupped and squeezed her ass. Slapped it a little and felt the nice good weight on it that would make fucking her a dream come true.

It was so close. So close to her pussy. He could just change the angle.Angle, Angel…He could be inside hernow. One deep stroke and it would be done. She was so wet. No one would stop him. He could do everything Manny said and even put a baby in her. Fill that little dancer’s body up with a baby— his baby, his child.

She rolled on him, grinding her pussy on his cock, on his thigh. When Ross felt the explosion coming he got hold of himself and said through clenched teeth, “No…no. Fall back, Angel. Fall back.”

She toppled away from him onto the couch cushions. Her eyes were two glittering slits. Her big afro framed her face like a halo. The flush in her cheeks deepened. She was coming out of the trance.

Focus, idiot.

Ross understood that keeping a calm tone was the most important thing. He must go slowly now. Anything could happen.

“Sleep,” he said. “Go sleep. Count with me. One, two…”

Hypnosis is a conversation.Her eyes shut again as she re-entered the trance.

“What…what do you feel, Angel?” he said, tucking his dick away fully.

“I want to fuck on you,” she moaned.

You don’t know how bad you attract me.


Her face pinched. “What? I like you. I like feeling you.”

Aware that he was entering dangerous waters, Ross said carefully, “Why are you here?”

“I’m here to get pregnant for you,” she said. Her voice came flat, like she was reciting lines. “If you don’t want me, I can just be your surrogate. Give you a baby and then you can get rid of me.”

The last of his goodwill to Manny evaporated at her words. Ross said, “Is that what you want?”

She said, “I don’t want to go back to Saturn Heights never again. After that I want to be a famous artist.”

“Is that where you’re from? Saturn Heights?”

“Yeah,” she said.

Ross made a mental note. “Okay,” he said. “Now, Angel, I need you to trust me as I ask these questions.”

“Alright,” she whispered.

In hypnosis, you must undo every knot at the source,one of his primary sources had read.To solve a problem, find out where it began.

“So who made you want to be here and get pregnant for me?” Ross asked her.


“Are you sure?”

“Yes. But that’s not the only reason.”

“What do you mean?”

“You seem like a solid dude.” Her voice lowered to a mumble. “I’m attracted to you. I don’t have hella options. You’d never want a girl like me, though.”