“Ross. I guess it will take a minute for you to get your bearings.”

“Ross?” She frowned.

“Did it affect your hearing, too?”

“Mister, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” She rubbed her eyes as the man walked back to the window and jerked the curtains back over it a little. Better. That light was a bitch. She rubbed her watering eyes. “I feel like I spent the night on skid row.”

“Close enough,” said Ross dryly.

Quickly she sized him up. Six foot one, maybe two. Broad-shouldered, so he worked out. Hairy chest— white, or mixed. Probably white. No tattoos, period. Angel didn’t know anyone without tattoos…

Who do you know?Names and faces flickered somewhere distantly in her mind. She shivered. Okay, so she was in some white dude’s bedroom. He sounded Southern or some shit. Was she in the South?

Her memory of the night before came up against a wall. She tried to think back toanymemory at all, but that just opened up a big black hole that scared her so bad for a moment she couldn’t speak.

Ross. He said his name was Ross. Ross who? Ross what? Did she know a Ross? Did she knowanybody?

“Um,” she said, a bad thought occurring to her. She put a shaking hand to her face. “Did we…Did we have sex in here, mister?”

He jerked backward. “We did not,” he snapped. “I hope you know I’m a gentleman. I would never do that.”

“My titties hurt.”

He turned even redder. “I came home drunk and found you in here. We were…cuddling in the night. But not by my intention.”

“You lying,” she accused.

He scowled. “You have a lot of explaining to do yourself.”

“And that accent is fucked up. Just tell mewhere I am, okay?”

He laughed harshly, and stepped sideways and a shaft of daylight fell across his face.With his back to the window it was difficult to see him clearly, but she picked out two slanted hazel eyes, curly brown hair shot through with gold streaks, a long straight nose and a generous mouth.He’s fine…

“I don’t understand,” she said. “We spent the night in here but we didn’t sleep together?”

“You slept next to me, that was it. I never motherfucking touched you, alright?”

“Why you getting all defensive?” She said incredulously. “Chill.”

“You want me tochill?” A dark red flush crept across the man’s face, and the scary eyebrows twisted together in a hard V. “Girl, you better start talking and explain what the fuck kind of game Manny is playing.”

Her stomach turned over. “Um, what?”

Ross’s fists clenched on the windowsill. “That’s not the answer I wanted.”

“Look…” She had no idea what to say. Her throat was dry as Tijuana. “Look. I don’t know. Mister, I’m so thirsty.”


“Yeah. Can I please have some water or something?”

“Yeah. Sure.”

He walked through a dark doorway into what she assumed was the kitchen. Immediately Angel swung her legs over the bed and tried to stand up.Mmmm…Her toes sank deep into a plush carpet. She wriggled them.Woo, that’s nice.

She took a step towards the door the stranger had just walked through. Her stomach did a somersault.Woah. Oh no. Hell nah.

Ross-whoever came back in the room with a tall glass. “I didn’t know if you wanted ice—”