“This is your guy?”

“Yes, Angel.”

The picture slipped from her fingers. Angel blinked. Mangjeol watched her like a cat watching a mouse. “Excellent response.”

“What did you do to me?” She whispered.

“Angel, stand up.”

She stood up.

“Turn around.”

She turned around.

“All the way around.”

Now she was back to looking Mangjeol in the eye. His were a void of evil. They were the exact same shape as hers.My uncle.

“Tell me your deepest secret,” Mangjeol ordered her.

She did not even hesitate. Strange. “I got my daddy killed by his own set,” she said in a deadpan, confessing what she had never told another human being. When Mangjeol raised an eyebrow she added, “My step daddy.”

“Interesting. Tell me more.”

“He was molesting me,” she said. “Kept feeling on my titties, saying nasty stuff to me when Mama wasn’t around. So…I made it look like he was stealing money from the kingpin. He was holding onto the money— that was his job. I snuck in his room while he was getting high and took it. I threw it away. They thought he was stealing, didn’t believe him…Crips shot up his car at the gas station. Killed his friend Vic alongside him. I felt bad about that. Vic was a good dude and he had kids.” A tear ran down her cheek but under the trance she felt no emotion.

“Did he ever have intercourse with you?”

“What? No. I never had sex, ever.”

“Good,” the man said.

She shook her head. “Maybe there’s something wrong with me…I ask God for forgiveness. I was thirteen. Knew what I was doing…”

“That’s enough.”

“Sure.” She rubbed her eyes, feeling strange…calm and relaxed, thought she should be panicked.What’s happening to me?

“I never told anybody that. Why am I telling you that, Mister?”

Mangjeol had a cold smile for her. “It is unfortunate. I can’t send a thief to my friend Ross.”

She protested, “Hold on— I ain’t a thief. I didn’t even keep the money, and I never stole again.”

“If there is a chance you will hurt my friend, then you must go Mikhail instead.”


Mangjeol considered her fully again. His eyes traveled up and down her body, though Angel imagined he couldn’t see much with the loose baggy clothes she was wearing.

“Do you know what ‘hypnotic suggestion’ is?”

Every time he said that word she sank deeper into a fog.He’s hypnotizing me? Hell no. Fight it…I gotta fight it.

“I know what it means. You doing that to me?”

“We have been developing it here for some time.”