He was through with women.

But Ross considered Manny’s offer again, allowing his dark side to play devil’s advocate. What if he’d brought Angel back to Virginia?

What if she wasso grateful,she did everything he said?

Ross frowned absently at a baby in a stroller. The child began to cry. Her mother scooped her up and tickled her until the cries turned to laughter.

Ross didn’t remember his mother at all. He remembered his father. Tears led to ass-whuppings in Duke McCall’s household. Ross, the youngest, was a bonafide crybaby. He rubbed the scar on his collarbone unconsciously, remembering when Duke had broken it with a socket wrench.

Ross went to live with his mother’s kin after that. Grandmary and Grandfather came from old traditional southern stock. They believed children ought to be seen and not heard.

Get her pregnant.

Ross wanted kids, yeah. Eventually. But not with Manny’s niece, for Chrissake.

Ross had a photographic memory, so he easily recalled Angel’s face. It was petite and round. She had beautiful eyes and a soft, doll-like mouth. On the flight back to Virginia he sketched her face, imagining what it would be like to lay her in his bed with the white linen sheets...to take care of her.

He flipped through the sketchbook and landed on an explicit scene. A man and woman, fucking.

This is what she imagines. This is what she wants.

In his mind the girl had a soft voice. She was intelligent, but not cunning like Tina. She was quiet, but had a will of her own. She wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered,thank you for saving me…Right before opening her legs and letting him thrust deep into her young, beautiful body.

But when he landed in Virginia, he found Roman waiting for him, and so Manny and his tragic niece went right out of his head.



Angel opened the door and said, “Um?”

The guard turned. He was a giant. He stood damn near six foot three and must have weighed two hundred and sixty or more. He looked mean as hell, just like Poboy, but this guy could have eaten Poboy for breakfast. She never knew they made Asians in that size.Calm, she told herself.Just stay calm.

He shouted at her in the language. She still hadn’t learned a single word of it, but some things you didn’t need words for, right? She beckoned to him, and he stepped towards her furiously, pointing and yelling. Now was the moment…Angel opened the door wider…revealing that she was naked.

The guard’s eyes went small.

“Yeah, you like that?” She purred, her heart climbing sickeningly into her throat. “You like my big brown titties, huh? Come closer, dummy…”

She played with her nipples to encourage him. Looking over his shoulder to make sure nobody was looking, he blundered into the room. Blundered, and then stumbled. The cord Angel had pulled out of the curtain trim painstakingly over the last couple of weeks hummed like a guitar string as the man crashed over it. She leapt back, astonished the trap had even worked. But there was no time to appreciate it. He roared like a pissed-off Rottweiler. She helped the motherfucker stay down by shoving the broken TV off the dresser. It crashed right onto his back and his roar turned into a wh. She had done it. Without wasting a beat Angel grabbed the bag she had prepared on the bed, and sprang right over the guard’s back like a rabbit. She took off stark naked down the dark hall of the brothel.

The place was bigger than she had thought. Doors opened and slammed in her peripheral as she sprinted towards where she hoped her instinct was leading her— outside. Let her get outside, Please God!

People were shouting, yelling, slamming doors. She heard a familiar voice. Shit! Had to be that big-backed lady with the ferocious right hook.Outside, outside, please!A large rectangle of light appeared in the wall. Yes!

Behind her the big-backed lady screamed something —Close the door!—but Angel had taken their asses by complete surprise. With a desperate scream she threw herself towards the door, knocking aside the girl standing in front of it with her mouth wide open. She tumbled out into sweet fresh air—into freedom.

Before her the pristine street unrolled like a magic carpet.

She didn’t stop, she didn’t wait. Angel made a left. Butt naked and all. She ran. She ran like that time in high school when she won the 200m gold against East Central. She ran like she was gonna grow wings. She ran for her life. Maybe even faster than that.

The air was cleaner than Los Angeles. It was about two o’ clock in the afternoon— right after the guard had his lunch. He always got tired after that, which was why she had picked this time. Men always got hungry and horny after eating. They were all the same!

She sprinted past people, taking streets that looked empty until she found some that were. She stumbled down a dark alley and fell to her hands and knees, gasping for breath. Her legs back underneath her now, but they wouldn’t stop trembling. She was exhausted to her limit. And still naked.

With shaking hands she opened the bag, which she had made from the pillowcase on the bed. She pulled out her clothes one at a time: long cotton pants, a T shirt.

She had no shoes, but she would fix that soon, because apparently people left shoes everywhere in this country.