“Los Angeles.”

Ross set the photograph down. “Manny? What aren’t you telling me?”

Mangjeol sighed. “Ross, this girl is actually my relative.”

“She’s related to you?” Ross repeated, glancing down at the photo incredulously. “How, exactly?”

“She’s my brother’s secret daughter,” Manny said.

“Sook-Jae had a kid with an American? Ablackwoman?”

“He had four children with his wife. Obviously this girl was not legitimate.” Manny’s jaw seemed wired shut with rage; he slowly ground his knuckles into his palm and stared into space. For an aristocrat, Manny had the hands and neck of a pugilist. Remnants of his Samurai ancestors, Japan’s ancient warrior class. “I fear I will be forced to give her up to my enemies here if she remains with me.”

Ross said, “What enemies?”

“A year ago, it was discovered that my brother Sook-Jae had been acting as double agent between different Yakuza here in Tokyo. Unfortunately, it was the Kozakura who found out first.” Mangjeol stared out the window as he spoke. “They kidnapped and executed his three otherlegitimatechildren. His sons, my nephews. My brother Sook-Jae went missing a day later; he has still not been found.”

“I’m sorry, Manny.” Ross had brothers. They were all country and loud and rough and tumble, making him always the odd man out. Ross hadn’t raised up with his brothers— he’d grown up in city royalty. His was the world of debutante balls and lawn parties. A world apart from the other McCall boys, raised in their mountain holdouts, shooting and trapping and fishing and mudding and wrangling like real men. They were the most provoking, disgusting, disturbed band of rascals in Creation. But if anything happened to them it would destroy him. So it took him aback when Manny said, “I’m glad Sook-Jae is dead.”

“Christ, Manny!”

“But the girl remains a problem. I don’t want to kill her, but she can’t stay in Tokyo.”

“Where was she before?”

“Los Angeles.” Manny exhaled. “Sook-Jae was supporting his love-child, sending money to her mother every month. Apparently this woman became addicted to drugs. A local gangster in Los Angeles discovered the connection to Sook-Jae, and purchased the girl from her mother in exchange for drugs.”


“This gangster then began to extort Sook-Jae, demanding money in exchange for the girl’s virginity. Not to worry— apparently the bastard didn’t break her seal. She is still a virgin.”

“Manny, I wasn’t worried.”

Mangjeol scowled. “I know what you’ll say, Ross-kun. You understand what I’m about to ask you. Know this is unsavory. Perhaps I should have lied…”

Ross was putting it all together and not liking the picture. “Sort of seems like you want me to take this ticking time-bomb off your hands, Manny. Goes without saying, the answer is no. But you might as well tell me the rest. How did you get your hands on her?”

“The gangster learned that Sook-Jae was missing, very likely dead, after the payments stopped. Someone must have given the idiot my phone number. He called me saying he had Sook-Jae’s daughter. Obviously he wanted money. I confirmed his story with my men in Los Angeles— that it was indeed Sook-Jae’s child— and arranged for the girl to be brought to Tokyo.”


“Exceedingly, but at least I could keep an eye on her here.”

“And the gangster?”

Mangjeol gave Ross a look from the corner of his eye. Ross nodded. “Alright. Well, Manny. Where do I fit in here?”

“You would do me a great favor to take this girl off my hands.”

“You save her, but you don’t want her?”

“To save her was an impulse,” Mangjeol said. “I am regretting it now.”

“So you’re giving her to me?”

“Why not?” Manny said bluntly, “You like black women, and she’s still a virgin. Her pussy would be yours.”
