Page 9 of Sins Of The Father

It was a joke, but I knew in my heart that I meant it. My life could have been so different if only I had fallen for Caleb, but we couldn't live a life full of what if's.

"I had the biggest crush on you back then," he blurted out.

"You?" I replied, surprised. "On me?"

"Yeah, but I knew I couldn't go there. You were the boss's daughter,andyou were too young for me, but I made any excuse I could to be around you."

I giggled like a schoolgirl at the admission. "I had a crush on you too. That's so crazy, I thought you had a bevy of girls who threw themselves at you."

"Oh, I did," he laughed. "But there was just something about you."

"So, by running off, you avoided temptation," I said. "I did you a favour."

"I guess you did," Caleb replied, a smirk playing at his lips. "Thanks for that."

We both laughed, but then the gravity of it hit us both and we sat in silence. Why couldn't I have fallen for Caleb? Why couldn't I have had the boy who I knew would never lay a hand on me?

Fuck. Stop thinking about this,Callie. I never would have thought Judd would be capable either. He was as sweet as pie when I met him and now, he was the monster he had been trying to get away from all his life.

I guess you never really knew what lurked beneath the surface. I sure as hell didn't think I would imagine myself capable of poisoning someone I thought I had once loved.


"How is she?"I asked my brother as he looked at me with weary eyes.

"She never stops talking," Indigo said, exhausted.

I could barely contain my amusement. "She's seven, she has a lot to say."

"Clearly," he replied. "She's asleep now, though, finally."

"Good. Hopefully not too long and I can come and grab her."

"Are you sure about this plan, Cal?" he asked. "If you get caught…she's going to have no one."

"She'll have you," I replied.

He nodded. "Yeah, she will. How will you contact Scarlette?"

"I put the poison in a locker at the bank. She has a safety deposit box there too, and we both know each other's combinations. So, I'll deposit it in there and the next day, she's going to grab it. She told me she has already gotten in, he's basically walking into his own death trap."

"Can we be sure about this?" he asked. There was real concern in his eyes. "Maybe I should come back and help you."

"Don't you dare leave my little girl," I said. "I have Caleb here. He's been helping me a lot, actually."

Indigo's smirk was hard to miss. "I bet he has."

He knew about my crush on him when I was younger, and he'd made fun of me mercilessly. "Don't even think about saying it, dick."

His laughter was loud and genuine before he said goodbye and hung up. I could punch his little giggling face so hard right now, but he was doing me a favour, so I had to be thankful for that. I missed Christa, which only made me want to get the job done and now.

"All good?" Caleb asked. I jumped at his voice which made him smile.

"Yeah, let me grab the vial and we can head into town."

I made a move out to the greenhouse and grabbed my bag and the vial and carefully placed it into a box so it could be hidden in the safety deposit box. I put my bag on my back and headed out to the car. Clare eyed me suspiciously but kept her mouth shut. She'd been keeping herself away from me, probably because she knew I was into shady dealings since Caleb was with me. She had never wanted to be part of the criminal aspect of the family, which I kind of admired about her. I was too much like my mother and took a huge interest in Judd's business.

Caleb was quiet on the way into town, and I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking about. Did he agree with my methods, or did he just want to swoop in and save the day?