Page 15 of Sins Of The Father

"What do you want to do now?"

"I need to brew more poison and I'll take the fight to him."


"I can't tell you and run the risk you'll thwart me."

Caleb slammed on the brakes, sending the car skidding across the road and toward the side. He looked absolutely fucking annoyed at me, but he didn't look at me. Instead, he sat there, looking out at the road, his chest rising and falling in anger.

"I'm here to help you," he said, finally. "Why are you so hellbent on having to do it all alone?"

"Because I have been alone," I yelled at him. He finally looked at me. "I've been alone since he took over for his father. I have to do this. I have to make things right for Christa."

He seemed to understand. Caleb started up the car without another word and took off, faster than before and headed back to the compound. I could feel the tension between us, and I knew I had probably blown whatever friend I'd had in him, but he had to understand that he couldn't be my priority. Christa had to be.

We were so close to being free.

I couldn't stop now.


Three Days Later

The annual partywas in full swing when I snuck into the Gallo compound. Even the guys he had on security were getting on the drink in their little box at the gate. It had been child's play to run past them and climb over the wall. I was hidden by the side of the main house, waiting for my moment. I could see Judd's second in charge and best friend, Mark, standing at the door, smoking. He was surrounded by some of the men I knew were vying for Judd's attention.

I couldn't get caught when I was so close already.

This was for Christa.

I felt for the vial of poison in my backpack as I ran down the side of the house and headed toward the only window, I knew I could budge open. Judd had never fixed it from when he smashed my hand through it. I'd had six stitches along my palm from that. I closed my eyes and tried to block out the painful memory.

I grabbed the window and shoved my weight behind it. As I pushed it open, I hoisted myself up and swung my legs over the sill and edged my way down to the ground. This room was usually off limits so I knew I could gain my composure before I'd be found. Taking a deep breath and grounding myself, I moved to the door and opened it slightly to check for anyone outside before I made my way down the hall and into his office. It was empty, which was surprising, but I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Pulling my bag off my shoulders, I rested it against the desk. I pulled out the vial and looked around for the bar cart, I knew he always had a drink when he came in here. I poured a little of it in the decanter and wiped the glasses with some of it before I moved over to the safe behind the fake painting. I knew this was risky, but I had to try, right? I keyed in the code he'd always used, even though he thought I didn't know it.


How fucking original, right?

To my surprise, the door opened, and I gained access. I wasn't stupid, I knew this would have triggered a silent alarm somewhere. I had to work fast. I grabbed all the documents, finding my passport and Christa's and put them in my bag. I closed it again, making sure to pour the last of my poison over the handle of the gun. Before I closed the safe door just enough that it wasn't clearly locked but it wasn't obvious that it was open, I put the painting back up just as I heard Judd's obnoxious voice coming down the hall. I grabbed my bag and moved over to the corner of the room, hidden by the filing cabinet. Crouching down, I waited for his guards to grab me.

But a part of me knew he wanted to see me, and he wouldn't let them take his fun. My heart hammered as the door opened and I saw him.

I looked upon the man I married, and the man I left my own family for, and wondered what the hell had I seen in him. He was a puny man. A man made popular by his status, not at all by his looks or his build. It's funny how you form rose coloured glasses when you think you're in love. He moved over to the painting, removed it, and wedged the safe door open. He could see what was missing.

He knew it was me.

He knew I was still here.

I smiled when he grabbed the gun in there and looked over to his guards. "Leave me."

"But Judd—"

"Go," he barked at them. I could see they didn't want to, but they started to back out. "Check the grounds. She can't have gone far."

They ran to follow his order and left me alone with him.

"I know you're still in here," he said. "Are you going to be a coward?"

I moved out from the corner, keeping the bag stowed away, and confronted the bastard who beat me into submission for far too long.