Page 12 of Sins Of The Father

Immediately, I felt my curiosity get the best of me. I needed to know what was in the box. Clare was starting to look fearful, but she stayed put.

"Callie, I got this," he said.

"No, it's okay. It's for me."

Caleb didn't argue, instead he stayed next to me, but I could see the fear in his eyes. Someone had breached our perimeter. I pulled the tape off the box and started to lift the lid just as one of the guys who went to check on Lou came into the room.

"Lou's dead, bullet through the temple."

I looked down at the contents of the box, shrieking as I almost fell of the kitchen stool. Caleb caught me before I could fall and pushed the lid back down on the box. But I'd seen it enough.

I should have known this would happen.

This was all my fault.

Caleb took the box off the kitchen table and moved it away from me as I struggled to breathe. Tears fell down my face as I realised what I had done.

Clare ran to my side. "What was it?"

She pulled me into her arms and gave me a hug. I never expected her to be so kind. Before I could answer, Caleb came back and took me away from her. She asked again but no one answered her.

It was too gruesome.

"This is my fault," I said.

Caleb took me to my room and sat me down on the bed. He waited for my sobbing to ease before he asked me, "Was that Scarlette's head in the box?"

I nodded. "She died for me."

"It's not your fault. This is on Judd."

I got off the bed and started to pace, it helped me a little. Yet, I did feel as if I were completely helpless, just like the first time he'd beaten me. I'd sworn I would leave him then, but I stayed because he had sent me flowers the next day and taken me on a holiday to France. I told myself it had been a once off, even though I knew that wasn't true.

"She was my only friend that I had left and now she's dead because of me."

I wanted to run, run over to the house and murder him with my bare fists, but Caleb caught my arm as I headed for the door and wheeled me back. I slammed against his chest and looked up in his eyes.

"She wasn't your only friend. You have me."

I don't know what it was that passed through me, but I felt the intensity of his fingers digging into my elbow. His eyes were dark, darker than I had ever seen them before. His eyes moved to my lips, and I licked them only to see his eyes shoot back to mine, and a darker still intensity shot through him.

Before I could stop myself, I pulled his head down so I could kiss those delectable lips. He groaned into my mouth as he pushed me against the wall. The heat from under his shirt melded against my own tummy and had sparks shooting down my veins, all the way to my toes and back up to my pussy.

He leaned back, looking me in the eyes as he pulled his holster off, the guns clunking to the ground. Next, his shirt came off and I saw the ripples of muscle on his abdomen, covered in tattoos, as he stood before me. My pussy was begging for him to continue. I needed to see what was beneath those pants, and urgently.

No words were needed.

Caleb reached over and shut the door with a flick of the wrist before he carried me over to the bed. I needed this. I needed it more than I ever thought I ever needed anything. And Caleb sure did look like he knew what to do.

* * *

"What are you doing?"I heard Caleb's husky voice from the door. I hadn't even heard him coming which only proved that I needed to be more careful and aware. Especially given one of the Gallo's had crept up on us without anyone noticing. I turned in the stool I'd brought out here to the greenhouse and looked over at him. He'd put a white tank top on, but I could still see those muscles and those tatts peeking out.

"I'm seeing how much poison I have left," I told him. He came into the greenhouse and closed the door behind him. As he got closer, I could smell that masculine scent on him which did things to my legs and my tummy. The sex with him had been amazing. If I'd been wearing socks, they would have shot off the second his cock entered me.

"Let me take care of it for you," he begged. "I can have it done by the end of the day and you and Christa can be together."

"I can't lose another friend because of him," I said. "But I appreciate it."