Page 2 of Sins Of The Father

I had to stay alive for my baby girl.

"Judd, please," I begged. "I'm sorry I embarrassed you. I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Judd spat back, angrily. "You're never sorry, bitch. Why can't you just do as you're fucking told? I could have any woman I wanted, and they would drop to their knees when I want them to."

"You fell in love with me, Judd. You knew I wasn't like that."

"I am a fucking God, Callie. You will bow down to me and be the wife you need to be. You stay hidden, in the house, look after my kid, and when I want that pussy, you will gladly open those legs and I will fuck you senseless.Thatis your job."

I wanted to slap him. Everything inside of me wanted to reach over to the side bureau and grab a knife and stab him to death but I knew I'd never see Christa again if I did.

He grabbed my hair in his hand again and forced me into nodding, acknowledging what he had just told me. He pushed me back, so I fell onto the table. I righted myself and he turned around, but not before he backhanded me. He walked away, heading upstairs. I could taste blood in my mouth, finally allowing myself to cry.

That's when I saw her.


Cowering in the doorway to the kitchen. I hadn't noticed her before. She must have seen the entire thing.

My heart hurt.

"Baby," I said. "Come here."

She ran over to me and hugged my legs. I'd always sworn, since Judd had started to beat on me, that she would never see this. My father had never let me see what he did to my mother, but I knew, somehow, I knew what he did to her for her to run away from us.

I took her up the stairs, making sure that we didn't make a sound to annoy Judd. I had no choice but to believe he would hurt Christa if she were in the way.

Taking her into her bedroom, I closed her door, and pushed a chest of drawers behind it. I doubted Judd would come in here, but I didn't want to risk it. Sitting down on the floor, leaning against her bed, I opened my arms for her. She sat down in my lap and cuddled into my neck.

"Mummy, why does Daddy hurt you?"

I felt my chest squeeze uncomfortably. She'd known. We hadn't hidden it well enough. Christa was only seven. I hated that she knew or had seen what he did to me.

I didn't want her to think this was normal. I had every bone in my body telling me that my father had made me feel like this was normal, especially within a crime family. After all, my father was the head of the Bianchi crime family. The number one enemy of the Gallo's. It was why Judd had been so appealing, never did I think he would be the one to take over and become his father.

"Daddy has problems," I said, soothing her hair with my fingers. "I'm sorry you had to see that, baby, but it's not going to happen again."

"Are you okay, mama?"

I loved this baby girl with all my heart. I had to do everything to protect her and show her that real men didn't treat women this way.

"I need you to promise me something, okay?" I said to her, the exhaustion hitting me hard. "Mama hit her head, and she can't go to sleep okay. I need you to make sure I don't fall asleep. Can you do that for me?"

Christa nodded. "Okay, mama."

"If I do, you shake me awake and if I don't wake up, you take my phone and you call Uncle Indi, okay?"

Christa nodded, taking my proffered phone. I hoped I could stay awake, but I could already feel how weak I was becoming. I just hoped I didn't fall asleep and die with my daughter in my arms.


My whole body shook.My eyes shot open to see my brother Indigo staring down at me, concerned.


"Where the fuck is he?" Indigo growled. "I'll kill that motherfucker."

"Where's Christa?"