Page 59 of Killian

“Teeghan is with her, you think I’m not doing everything I possibly can?”

He was right. I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him the piece of paper back. “Get everything you can see. We need to figure out where to go next.”

Conor nodded and grabbed the rest of the pieces of papers on the table and we headed back to the car.

“What?” Conor asked as I waited, impatiently, for him to get in the fucking car.

“Just hurry up.”

Conor finally slid in and I took off down the street and parked far enough away to watch. Conor was about to ask me why we’d stopped again when the explosion went off. The apartment exploded into fire, glass shattering all through the streets.

“What he fuck?”

“They need to know that we’re coming.”

Conor nodded. “Sure, but there could have been more information in there.”

“I doubt it.”

Conor went back to looking through the papers. “There’s another address here, but it’s in Meath.”

I started the car and headed toward Meath.


Teeghan was sitting in the chair next to my bed with a magazine in her hands. The beeping told me I was probably in need of some kind of surgery but as I looked around, I knew I was at the estate.

“Hey,” I said, but almost didn’t recognise my voice. It was gravelly, as if I hadn’t spoken in days. Teeghan put the magazine down and smiled as she sat forward and pressed a button on the side of the bed.

“Where am I?”

“The estate,” she said. “Did you know they have a hospital room here? Walter is a doctor. I had no clue until they brought you here. When Lorcan tried to take you to the actual hospital, you had a massive tantrum.”

I tried to pull myself up but she held me back. “No, you need to relax. You had a lot of bruises on your body. I don’t even know how the hell you didn’t have anything broken. Walter thinks you’ll take a few weeks to get better.”

“How long have I been here?”

“Four days,” she said. “You were asleep for a long time. I was getting worried.”


Teeghan sighed and sat back in her chair. “No, both he and Conor are still looking for Sinead and Darren and Ronan. Their phones are off too but Lorcan explained that they had a bit of a falling out when I stowed myself away in the van with you.”

“Conor was probably going nuts.”

Teeghan sighed and rolled her eyes. “Ok, mum. Well, I’m glad you’re awake. Get some rest, I’ll come by a little later.”

I nodded and closed my eyes as she left the room again. Hopefully the next time I woke up, Killian would be here and I could tell him everything I’d been going over for the past few weeks. I needed him to know that I chose him.

* * *

It had beenover a week since I had returned to town, and to the estate, but Killian hadn’t come back. I hoped like hell that he knew I was here and he wasn’t going on a suicide mission, taking his little brother with him. I moved down the stairs and toward the kitchen. I’d been eating but not nearly enough to sustain myself. Sleep had been a welcome stranger since I got back and it had been all I’d wanted to do.


I spun around to see Lorcan coming out of the office, a worried expression on his face.

“Hey Lorcan,” I replied. “I was just looking for some food.”