Page 56 of Killian

A life without Killian…now that was no life at all.

I couldn’t walk away…not this time.

“After everything,” I said, finally. “Killian…fuck…Killian is my everything and I think he always has been.”

“I thought so,” Teeghan said with a smile in her voice. “Now, you and I both know how dumb he is, just like his brother. You may have to fight for him to understand that.”

“I’m not letting him decide to send me away again,” I told her. “And if he tries to reason with me, I’ll remind him of what happens when I’m not near him.”

Teeghan chuckled. “Thatta girl.”

* * *

Teeghan’s phonevibrated and she picked it up and looked down at the message she’d just received.

“Okay, Lorcan is close by.”

She grabbed my hands, and pulled me to my feet. My knees buckled a few times before I finally found the strength to be able to walk up onto the road again. Before I had to try, Lorcan appeared before us and he took over from Teeghan. Lorcan was strong, just like his brothers, and he lifted me into his arms with ease. He was looking at the injuries on my face with concern. It was so hard to believe this was the brother Killian once feared. He’d only ever been a sweetheart to me.

“Are you well? Do you need to go to the hospital?” he asked me.

“I don’t know, all I know is I want to feel safe and right now I don’t.”

Lorcan nodded quickly and opened up the back door of his car and helped me in. I laid down on the seat, curling my legs up to fit on the seat. Lorcan closed the door and I heard he and Teeghan speaking in hushed tones outside but I couldn’t be bothered to care right now.

Sleep was coming for me and for the first time in weeks, I wasn’t trying to fight it off.



“Lorcan just sent me a message to come home,” Conor said as he pulled the car over on the side of the road. We’d been so close to catching up to Sinead and Darren, but Ronan had gotten away scot free yet again. That fucker was going to have to pay for the shit he’d done to us.


“Doesn’t say,” Conor said. “It’s up to you. I’m with you.”

It could be a false request. He might have news, but wouldn’t he just text that? Fuck. I couldn’t give up now. We were hot on the trail.

“Leave the phone,” I told him. I pulled my own phone out and turned it off, throwing it in the back of the car. Conor shrugged his shoulders and followed suit before he started the car again and took off toward Dublin. We were almost there. I put my head against the back of my seat and tried to forget all the shit in my life that I regretted and focused on getting Sloane back.

Closing my eyes, I couldn’t help but think back to the time I was close to fighting for her back before she got married.

Sean was mowing the lawn of the house he was renting when I pulled up outside. I knew he’d been seeing Sloane, and truth be told, I didn’t know enough about him to be anywhere near okay with it. Seeing Sloane laugh with another guy was painful. When I got out of my car, I lit my cigarette and leaned against the hood of my car. He turned the mower off and wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his forearm before he made his way over to me.

I liked that he wasn’t scared of me.

I knew he was Kennedy’s son, and I never had a thing against the Kennedy’s, but that may change in about five minutes' time.


“Sean,” I replied.

“Any reason you’ve come by?”

He knew about me and Sloane, I could tell by the way he was looking at me defensively.

“I heard about you and Sloane.”