“When Killian comes in, looking for you, he’ll get a bullet through the brain.”
Fear flooded through me as the realization hit that I was going to be the bait for them to take out the toughest O’Farrell.
Shit, fuck, shit.
Sinead headed for the door, turning back to face me in the open doorway. “Get comfy, cuz. You’ll be here for a while.”
She slammed the door shut and locked it. I slunk down on the bed, the chain clanking against each other as I felt the tears run down my cheeks.
I would be the reason Killian was killed.
Because I had fought against my feelings for him back when I was a kid, and now. I should have fought for him. I should have just told him I wasn’t going to leave.
It was times like this I wish I was as headstrong as Teeghan.
I tossed backthe painkillers and thanked the nurse for her service. Lorcan took gassing and head injuries seriously, and somehow had forced me to come into the hospital to get checked out. My mind was still firmly on Sloane, and the only way I agreed was if someone was actively looking for them. Jeremiah had come down with one of Lorcan’s men and was telling us about some property their father had bought a few years ago. He was going to take us there once I was done.
Hopefully it didn’t take long before I had her in my arms, or so help me I would lose my shit. I felt like I was going to rage against Dublin, whether it was their fault or not.
Lorcan made his way over to me and thanked the nurse who had walked me out. She was attracted to me, I could tell, and after years and years of sleeping with any woman who came my way, this was the first time I hadn’t even been tempted to take her round back and have my way with her.
“Aidan has intel and he also has Jeremiah pointing him to a location,” he said, putting his phone away. “We’ll meet them there. Are you all clear?”
I nodded and he opened the door to the car. He got in behind the wheel and took over driving. I noticed Conor was nowhere to be seen.
“Where the fuck is Conor?”
“He’s trying to convince his wayward woman to keep her nose out of the situation and go home.”
“She followed us here?” I asked, surprised. Although, I didn’t know why I was. Teeghan was as hard headed as all of us combined.
“You know she did. Not only is Conor in danger, but so is her best friend. I hate to admit it, but we need her kind of crazy.”
I didn’t want to admit it, but he was right. You didn’t piss off Teeghan, she could emasculate the heartiest and most macho of men in seconds if she so pleased. In fact, I’d been impressed on more than one occasion but I’d never tell her that. I was the brother she liked the least, and I was okay with that.
Lorcan drove like a bat out of hell as we headed to the location. I fucking hoped Jeremiah wasn’t lying. He wouldn’t make it out alive if he weren’t.
“How many men are coming?”
I grabbed my gun and made sure it was loaded, doing the same for Lorcan’s piece.
“All of them,” he said. “This needs to end. Ronan needs to get gone before we lose too many.”
He was right. This shit had gone on far too long and without our knowledge. How could a new enemy be so strong already? This must have been years in the making.
My fingers tapped the side of my leg as we made our way through Dublin, and headed toward Meath. I was eager to see her again, but I was also eager to fuck Ronan up so good, no one would dare question our authority in Ireland again.
* * *
Jeremiah and Aidanstood by their car outside a large country estate on the border to Meath and Dublin. Conor and Teeghan were there too, arguing in the car. That made me smile. Lorcan braced himself, making sure all of his guns were in their holsters and loaded before he joined us. Teeghan got out of the car, a gun in her hand, as she made her way over to us. Conor looked defeated. Now that was something I could understand.
“Don’t even start with me, boy,” she aimed at me. “You’re the reason she put herself in harm’s way.”
“Me?” I squared off with her, causing Conor to come running over to us. “She’s your friend. You couldn’t convince her to stay?”