Page 45 of Killian


“Sorry, Sloane, I really didn’t want you to find out about it like this,” he said, turning to me. He pulled a gun from the back of his belt and held it toward Killian.

I knew that wouldn’t stop him. Killian didn’t care if he got shot, he was fearless and that was why I had been so scared growing up. It was also why everyone was so scared of him, and not his brothers. I tried to move around so the gun was aimed at me but it was like Darren knew what I was doing. He yanked me around so I was in front of him, my back to his chest, as he held me in place with one arm around my neck, the gun at my temple.

Killian backed up, his hands up in surrender. Instantly, the calm assassin was backing away, unsure of what to do.

I’d never seen him so at a loss before and it was breaking me. He really did love me. How could I have been so fucking stupid?

Before I could speak again, something flew through the windows and landed on the ground. I screamed as the grenade looking things started to let out a thick smoke. Killian made a move to get to me before I felt Darren pulling me out of the apartment and down the stairs by the neck. I screamed out for Killian but Darren’s arm around my neck cut it off before I could make much noise.

Darren shoved me toward a car, I kicked at his knees before I tried to run, only to collide with rock hard abs. I fell back, looking up into the eyes of Ronan O’Brien and his sick smile.

“Long time no see, Sloaney. I hate that it’s come to this but it’s really your own fault for getting involved with him again.”

I had no time to respond before I felt something slam over my mouth, and my eyes started to droop closed as I lost consciousness.




I cracked open my eyes, and coughed up the shit I’d inhaled when they gassed the apartment. Lorcan knelt beside me, trying to help me into a seated position.

“Did he take her?” I asked, my voice groggy.

“Yes,” he said, gravely. “We weren’t downstairs. Considering how long you were taking, we decided to get some food. Came back to this place smashed to pieces.”

I looked around and saw they had ransacked the place, probably for a cover story. I was lucky they hadn’t set it alight while I was passed the fuck out. My anger stewed at losing her again. The look of terror in her eyes as she realized I had been right and she had walked back into danger unwittingly had torn me in half. I got to my feet and proceeded to look around at the damage. The windows were all blown in, shards all over the once pristine carpets, tables had been overturned and the legs broken.

“Have you got any leads on this fucker?” I asked my older brother.

“You know we haven’t. We only just got-”

I had my brother up against the wall, my forearm against his throat. “You were supposed to have my fucking back.”

“We do,” Lorcan said with ease. He’d always known how to overpower me, as children and still now as adults. “Always, but you should have had your piece on you. You knew the risks.”

I took my forearm away and turned away, wondering how the fuck this could have gotten so bad. Ronan was fucking with the wrong family.

“Where do I go from here?”

“Think like the assassin, Killian,” Lorcan said. “They call you the calm assassin for a reason. Don’t think about the stakes, think about the fucker you want to take out.”

He was right. I hated that he was always right but I couldn’t let my feelings for Sloane cloud my judgment or she’d be killed.

She was the last semblance of humanity I had left, without her, I would be a fucking monster. A demon, no one would be able to come near. I’d become my father and that was one thing I couldn’t bear to be.

“Where’s Conor?”

“He’s calling everyone he knows to find out where they’ve taken her.”

“Get the cousin. Sinead. She’s in on this, I know she is.”

Lorcan nodded. “On it, you take five and get your shit together. The boys don’t need to see you hanging on by a tether.”

I nodded and waited for him to leave before I swung around the empty apartment and planted my fist through the wall. When I pulled it out, half the wall came with it, including a long wire. Looking down at it, I saw it was leading through the thin wall and toward the TV.