Amity’s guard seemed to lower a little. “You came to town, and you wrapped him around your finger. I’d been slowly chipping away at his coat of armor for years. I was close and then you come in with your perfect hair and your perfect smile and his attention was cast to you. Even after you broke his goddamn heart, he still loved you.”
“I can’t help that he never loved you back,” I told her. That seemed to anger her but she didn’t lash out at me. Instead, she simmered her rage and left, locking the door behind her.
The food did smell good, and she was right, she had a gun. She could easily shoot me if she wanted me dead.
Or…she could poison me and watch me die slowly.
Either way, my stomach was burning with hunger and if I didn’t eat soon, I would pass out. I moved over to it and began to eat, trying to figure out a way to get away or perhaps, get a message to Teeghan that Killian was in danger if he came here.
We pulledup outside the house. It had no neighbors, just land on either side of the older style house.
Teeghan and Conor were both pulling out guns and making sure they were loaded. I did the same and tried to find a way to sneak up to the house.
“We’re going in unprotected,” Conor stated the obvious. “We go fast.”
I nodded.
“Ready?” Conor asked. I didn’t answer. Instead, I ran for the door, kicking it down with my foot. The lock had been flimsy and the door buckled immediately. Screams came from inside, forcing me into the house quickly, my gun raised as I entered every room. The house was quiet, I could barely hear anything now.
No shots had rung out which was a good thing as Conor and I split up to take the rooms separately. I cleared all the rooms except for the back of the house. We met up and Conor pointed through to the last room. We all looked toward the two sliding wooden doors that Amity was holed up in with Sloane.
I edged closer, lowering my gun. I knew Conor and Teeghan had my back but I was putting a lot of faith in the hope that Amity wouldn’t kill me on sight or worse, kill Sloane.
I slid the doors open to see Amity holding a gun to Sloane’s temple. Sloane was doing everything not to cry but I could see the terror in her eyes. It was killing me that it was because of me she was in this position. After all, she’d broken up with me because she didn’t want any part of this life.
She was too pure of heart for this world.
And here I was, selfishly pulling her back into it just so I could be near her, to be able to smell that perfume that had my cock go crazy, to be able to see how her eyes glistened when she drank a cocktail that she had been thinking about all week.
Sloane was still very much on my fucking mind, turning me soft. My father hated what she did to me. Even after all these years, i could still hear his fucking voice in my head to end it with her. It was her or the family.
I’d made my choice the day she had broken my heart. Before I could tell her, she’d put an end to the Killian and Sloane show. Too hurt to tell her I’d chosen her, I’d let her break us apart.
Who knew what would have become of us if I’d run away with her that night, who knew what kind of person I would be now.
“Amity, please let Sloane go,” I said. “Here, I’m putting my gun away.”
Sloane stiffened when I put my gun in its holster. Amity kept her eyes on me and then on Conor who was edging in behind me.
“Get rid of them,” Amity yelled. She was slowly losing control of the situation, which meant this was fucking dangerous for Sloane. We probably startled her, not realizing we would figure out where she is so quickly.
“That’s not going to happen,” I told her. “We can talk, Amity, just you and me, yeah? Let Sloane go and I’ll stay.”
Sloane made a move to shake her head but Amity slammed the laxxing gun back to her temple. Sloane’s lip trembled as she tried to hold her panic in.
“They go.”
I turned to Conor and Teeghan. They wouldn’t leave and I knew it.
“They won’t go until you let Sloane go, but we can still talk.”
Amity was losing her control and she knew it. I was slowly moving in closer to her and she was seeing that, tightening her grip on Sloane.
“Amity, is this about your husband?” Teeghan yelled out.