Page 21 of Killian

Walt was all too happy to show me to my room as I took in the modest guest room. “Anything you need, you holler.”

I thanked him and closed the door before I sat on the edge of the bed and thought about all the bad things that could happen by me staying here.

And…all the good things.


Walt toldme which room she was in and told me she had retired about two hours ago but I knew she wasn’t asleep. Sloane could never sleep in a strange bed unless she was drunk or drugged…or with me.

I took the stairs two at a time before I opened the door slightly. Sloane was sitting by the window, looking out at the view below.

“About time you showed up,” she said. She was tired, I could see it in her eyes and hear it in her tone.

“I see Teeghan got you stuck into the good liquor.”

“She did,” Sloane said, putting her mug down on the windowsill. “She always did know how to show a girl a good time.”

“I’m sorry I had to leave,” I told her. “I had urgent business in Belfast.”

“Conor said you wouldn’t be home until tomorrow.”

I nodded, reminding myself I needed to choke the hell out of Conor for opening his trap. “Things didn’t go to plan.”

“I know what that means,” she replied. “I’m tired, Killian. I don’t think I can manage to understand what you’re telling me right now.”

I nodded again. “I just wanted to make sure you got here all right.”

“How long am I being held captive?” she asked me, a weariness in her tone.

I felt the anguish in her voice, and it only made me feel like the jerk I was being even more.

“You’re not fucking captive, Sloane. You can leave when you want but it’s just safer here until we can sort her out.”

She nodded and moved to the bed to get under the covers. I desperately wanted to join her but I could see she was too annoyed to let that happen.

“Sweet dreams, Sloane.”

“Just go,” she said softly, but it felt like daggers in my chest as I left the room and exited down the hall to my old room. I’d cleared the stuff out when I had moved to my apartment, so now it just looked like a regular guest room, but the memories of what happened in this room were still ever present in my mind.

The only girl I had ever brought home was Sloane.

And it would remain that way.

Hopefully with a good night’s sleep, she would change her mind and she would see this for what it was.

A safety precaution.

I doubted Amity could pull anything off but I couldn’t risk Sloane.



I headed for the door just as Conor rounded the corner and tried to stop me.

“I am not in the mood for you, right now. Get out of my way.”

“Sloane, staying here…it’s for your own good.”