Page 11 of Killian

“I didn’t see you,” Killian replied. “Get lost, Draper.”

The boy ran off, leaving me alone with Killian again.

“Why is everyone so scared of you?” I asked him, my voice all but breathless.

He smirked at me. “You should go, your food is getting cold.”

I didn’t wait around, knowing my father would come looking for me soon. I headed to the car and tried to get rid of the memory of those dark eyes.

One thing I knew for sure, Killian was going to be on my mind until I found out more about him.

I shotout of bed and grabbed my blanket, pulling it up to my chest to stave off the cold air. The memories coming back to me since he’d left here after kissing the hell out of me were not helping with my lack of sex life. I remembered that night, where he had saved me from possibly being raped or killed by a drunk, like it was yesterday. That was the night I knew I would do anything I could to be able to kiss those lips, have those dark eyes drink me in and never want another woman again.

It was the night, I knew I would never want another and that was just the first day I’d met him. Killian had always been the one.

I loved my husband, there was no doubt, but if Killian had come calling and not stayed away like he promised, I couldn’t say for sure if I would have been loyal. I grabbed my dressing gown and headed to the kitchen to boil the kettle. The sun was still down, but I could feel it was morning, before I even checked the time. Killian was still very much on my mind as I put the teabag in the mug and waited.

I had to get over this shit. Killian was not the forever kind of guy. That much was for sure. I knew about his reputation around town. He’d bedded half or maybe more of the town, single or married. I knew that had been because of me, I’d broken his heart when I had realized we’d never be able to be together. His father had had too firm of a hold on him and I knew he was going down a dark path. One I couldn’t follow him down.

Now, I was fantasizing about him, and it wasn’t great for my poor, cobwebbed pussy which hadn’t seen action since Sean had died.

She was ready to play and she wanted Killian.

I shrugged off the memories and poured the water into my mug before I steeped my tea bag and took it into my living area, putting the heater on before I pulled the blanket over my legs. I needed to finish cleaning this damn cottage and sell it before returning to work so I could fill my life with purpose again and finally stop thinking about Killian.

Ha, yeah right, Sloane.

Killian was back in your life, there was no way I was getting away from him again.

My pussy throbbed at the thought of having him down there again, all the while my brain was screaming for me to stop.

Those eyes would haunt me forever.

And in the back of my mind, I had that little glimmer of a voice saying,What if you didn’t break it off with him? What if you could have him now?

Tears began to pool in my eyes as I sipped my tea and tried to will my brain to stop thinking about Killian fucking O’Farrell.


I could feelthe eyes on me, subtle and yet not so subtle at the same time. The music was loud and the club was packed but I could feel someone watching me. Usually, it didn’t disturb me, I was an O’Farrell for one but I also owned the only club worth going to in this damn town. People wanted to get in my pants for one reason or another, a conquest on their little bingo card before they settled down into a life of misery with someone who would inevitably end up beating them or cheating on them.

It was the same old story, day in and day out. This town was poisonous, and it had slowly been drowning its people for the last few decades.

As I turned to one of my bar people, Asher, I motioned for a drink. He got to work on it immediately, no matter the large line waiting for their drinks. I looked around, hoping to catch who was watching me but it was the same old people who came here every weekend pretty much, although tonight was busier being a weekend and the fact I had booked one of the hottest Irish DJ’s to play. My brother Conor was dancing with his woman Teeghan in the middle of the dancefloor, enjoying what fleeting moments they had together. He ran a tight ship down at the docks, and spent way too much time away from home but they made it work somehow. I was happy for him. Since Tee had come along, Conor had settled his reckless behavior down so much that I barely recognized the kid. Before her, we’d be calling constant family meetings at the estate to sort the shit he’d started with warring families. I couldn’t count how many times I’d saved that fucker’s life by bartering something important to our family to another family just to ease the tension.

Asher put my drink down in front of me and went back to the lineup of thirsty patrons. I headed up the stairs to my balcony that overlooked the dancefloor and every aspect of the club. I spent most of my time up here, usually with a woman who would do anything I asked her to. The darkness of the room behind the balcony, where I conducted business meetings with the underworld of Ireland, was usually where I had women do those unmentionable things to me. I eased into my chair and looked out at the party goers below, enjoying the fruits of my labor. Signing DJ Shamrox was not easy, and had taken some serious groundwork to get him here but here he was and my club was reaping the rewards. Out of all the businesses my father left to my brothers and I, my club was beginning to be more lucrative than ever and it was killing both my brothers.

I smiled into my drink as I thought of all the things Lorcan and Conor said behind my back.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement in the room behind me. I put my drink down quickly and pulled my gun from my holster and entered through the glass sliding door. The room was draped in darkness, as I preferred, but I could see pretty quickly who had disturbed the peace.

I took a deep breath, and put my gun away, as I gazed upon the naked form of one of the girls who had taken an interest in me since she’d become of age.

“Sabrina, go home.”

“Come on, Killian, don’t you want a piece of this?” she asked, twirling her body around. I could see she had doused herself in glitter body gel and shined through the lights that danced into the room every now and then.

On any other night, I would probably have her kneel down and give me what my cock so desperately needed but I couldn’t feel even a little turned on right now.