Page 66 of Killian

I moved my head to the side when I heard Sloane coming through the window. She came to sit beside me on the roof, just like we had done so many times before.

“Why did it upset you for me to see it?” she asked me. It was a valid question, and one I should know the answer to.

“I don’t know.”

“Why did you get it?”

“Because I had to say goodbye to you and I needed something to make me feel okay with that,” I told her.

“But it’s my name. Women wouldn’t like that, right?”

“I never cared what women thought of me or my body,” I told her. “Only you.”

“What’s bothering you, Killian? I know it’s not me.”

“It’s not entirely you,” I said. “I just…there’s things I need to do and I don’t think you’ll approve.”

“What is it?”

“What did you know about my dad?”

“Finneas?” she said. “I knew he was scary. You protected me from him.”

“He was also feared.”

“Yeah, I remember that. No one spoke about him for fear he would find out.”

“And nothing like what is happening to us now ever happened to him.”

“You think it has something to do with the way you run things?” she asked me.

I nodded.

“Look, if it were just you or even just Lorcan running things, maybe, but with all three of you…I doubt you could have foreseen what would happen. Ronan is a dick, and he always had been.”

“Sloane, as much as I want you to stay here, be with me. There are things that I am going to have to do that you probably won’t agree with.”

She sighed. “I’m not the same girl I was back when I was head over heels for you. I’ve been through real shit now. I’m not as sweet as I once was.”

“I’m going to take us back to the way Finneas ran things. That means, for a little while, we’ll have even more people come for us.”

“Are you going after Ronan?”

I nodded. “Yes, all of us are. Teeghan will need to stay here and make sure things run smoothly. When Ronan is taken down, we need to send a message to others who think they can hurt us.”

It was a lot to take in. I knew that but we needed to keep our family’s legacy intact.

“What are you not telling me, Killian?” she asked.

Fuck, I both loved and hated that she was so intuitive. No one could usually tell what I was thinking.

“You have to know what I do for a living, what I do for this family…”

“I do.”

“And you’re okay with it?”

She shrugged. “Not totally okay but I’m starting to realize I’m not totally not okay with it either.”