The shaking had slowly eased and I felt warm enough to get out of the shower. A towel hung on the railing by the door. I could see my shattered reflection in the damaged mirror, the dark redness of my skin was unmistakable. I wasn’t going to cry. I had cried enough. Now was time to get back home and find a way to protect Killian and his brothers.
The room was empty when I got back to the bed. The door was closed, but I knew Sinead would come back in soon enough. I got into the jeans and top which fit me like a glove and put the shoes that sat on the floor by the bed, on.
Slowly, I was building a tolerance for pain, and soon, I would make them wish they never set eyes on Killian O’Farrell.
Teeghan was sittingopposite me and Lorcan in the entertaining room. Her eyes focused on the floor. I didn’t blame her. After coming up with the plan that Conor would have absolutely said no to, we knew she’d need to make the decision herself.
“You can say no,” Lorcan said, sitting forward. “It’s pretty fucking dangerous, but it’s up to you.”
“This will work, right?” she asked us. I knew she’d been through hell just a couple of months ago, being a hostage herself, and it made it harder to ask her to help us this time too, but I knew she’d not say no.
“We can’t know that for sure,” Lorcan offered. “But, even if it doesn’t, you will be with Sloane.”
She nodded, looking off to the empty fireplace. I could see the fear in her eyes and frankly, I didn’t blame her.
“Conor will shit bricks.”
“I know,” I said. “But in the end, he will understand.”
“No he won’t,” she turned back to us. “You better make sure he doesn’t know the plan until it’s been enacted.”
“He can’t know you’re in the car with us,” I said. “We need to put you in the boot.”
“Perfect,” she said, sitting back. “I’ll do it. For Sloane.”
I nodded, reaching forward and grabbing her hand. “Thank you. You know I wouldn’t dare put you into this situation unless we had no option.”
“Yeah,” she said, putting her other hand on mine. “I know.”
I released her and got up, moving out of the room, before I lost it. Conor was going to lose his shit when he found out the plan but hopefully it wouldn’t come to that and we could easily extract Sloane without Teeghan having to get involved.
But knowing Ronan, things were only just going to get worse the second he rocked up. I sent out a message to the boys to be at the docks but to stay hidden. I didn’t want them to think we brought an army with us.
I had so much anxiety bubbling inside of me that I could barely breathe. Soon, one way or another, Ronan would be back in town and we would have a shootout on our hands.
I just needed Sloane back.
Sinead was arguing with Darren in the front of the van. My hands were bound again, the rope rubbing against my wounds. At least the rope was far less heavy than the chains. If I held my hands up against my knees, I didn’t feel any pain. My head was pounding though, and sleep was hard to come by when all I could hear was Sinead telling Darren what a loser he was. It was enough for me to wish sweet death on myself. How could anyone put up with that? Why would she stay with someone who she doesn’t love? It’s just a waste of life.
I could tell we were getting close with the way their arguing was intensifying. Not once had they checked on me, but that was okay. I would rather they spent more time arguing while I figured out a plan.
But what plan could I possibly construct while I was still injured and bound. I rested my head against the side of the van and waited for what I could only imagine would turn into a shootout.
It didn’t take long before the van came to a stop. My heart rate began to speed up as I waited for the doors to open. Sinead and Darren both got out of the van, and I heard footsteps outside the back doors. I braced myself for whatever was coming.
The doors opened quickly and Sinead stood there, looking annoyed. She had a rag in her hand.
“Come on,” she said, pulling my hands so I was forced to scoot forward, to the edge of the van. Before I could speak, she shoved the rag in my mouth and tied it behind my head, tight. My tongue was shoved down by the material in my mouth, and I was forced to breathe in and out via my nose.
“Don’t try and speak, don’t try anything,” she said, angrily. “You’ll get a bullet in the brain if you do.”
I knew she would. I wouldn’t make it far anyway considering my wounds.
I nodded slightly and she relaxed a little. She moved to the side where Darren was. They spoke in hushed undertones. I was able to look around me, even though it was dark and obviously nighttime, but I knew exactly where I was.