Page 41 of Killian

The guy was talking to Sloane now. I could see she was answering him politely but she didn’t want to be. Amity was still trying to get his attention but he only had eyes for Sloane. I couldn’t blame him. She had hooked me the second I saw her too, but she was my girl. He had no right to be talking to her, and if she didn’t want it, she sure as hell shouldn’t be put in that position. I was about to go over there when I saw him leave. Amity and the girls were fawning over him but Sloane couldn’t be bothered with joining them.

My girl.

I turned to leave and get back to the estate before my father blew a gasket but something gnawed at me. I felt like I needed to stay. My mother had always told me never to ignore intuition and she’d always been right. I plonked myself down at the tables in the food court, across from the cinema. Families and other kids my age had gotten up and left the surrounding tables. They knew who I was here. It was hard to hide being Finneas O’Farrell’s son. It used to bother me but it worked in my favor from time to time too.

The wait was excruciating, and I knew that movie was going to go for hours but I wasn’t going to second guess myself here. I had to make sure she was okay.

I got up from my seat and moved over to the counter for the burger place but before I could get in line, I saw movement from the cinema in a reflective surface. I turned around to see Amity and Sloane fighting. Sloane was shoving her away as Amity tried to drag her back inside.

What the hell?

Sloane clearly didn’t want to be in there but Amity was almost forcing her back inside. I started to make a move toward them to break it up when I saw the fucker from before coming out of the cinema toward them with a cocky grin on his face.

The fury returned and I felt something inside of me boil up and push me toward them at a furious pace. Amity saw me first and backed up, her eyes wide with horror as she tried to get away from what she knew was going to happen.

The fucker had his hands on Sloane’s arm, and he was trying to pull her toward him. She was pushing him back, and then her eyes flicked to me right before she urged him to go. He turned around just as I got to him. Instantly he let go of her arm and tried to put his arms up to stop me but it was going to take more than that. I slugged him hard across the jaw, his head snapped to the side, blood spraying across the white tiles. He fell to his knees and then to his ass as he tried to pull himself away from me. I got down and started to pummel him with my fist. His teeth catching on the skin of my knuckles and ripping. The blood coming from his mouth and nose was extreme, his eye was closed and he was gasping for air as I felt arms on me, trying to pull me off.

I shoved at the security who were trying to break it up and they all fell to their asses on the tiled floor.

That’s when I heard her.

“Killian, stop it.”

I turned around, my fist hovering just inches from his very broken nose, and looked at her. She had tears in her eyes as she pleaded with me to leave with her.

“Please, Killian, let’s go.”

She took my bloodied hand and helped me to my feet. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and she led me out of the complex. The sound of sirens erupted around us as the cops headed our way.

“You need to go.”

I opened the car door and got in but she wasn’t moving. She looked angry, and a little sad.


“No,” she said. “I can’t even go to the movies without you stalking me, Kill. Don’t you see how creepy that is?”

She was right. I knew she’d be angry but I knew in my gut she would need me today. How did I explain that to her?

“Sloane, we can talk about this later. Get in the goddamn car.”

“No, you can’t tell me what to do. I can’t do this right now. Killian, you need to go.”

“Not without you.”

She was looking nervously at the cops approaching and then at me. She knew what would happen if they got me into their car. Finneas would lose his shit and the town would suffer. Probably those cops would lose their jobs, maybe their lives.

She groaned and ran for the passenger seat and I tore out of the car park, toward the estate. One of the fuckers decided to chase me. I loved the thrill that shot down my spine as I tore through the streets and toward the estate.

Sloane was gripping the sides of her seat as I maneuvered around tight corners until I got onto the road that would lead to the estate. The cop was right behind me. Probably a rookie wanting to make the bust. They all knew that if they busted one of us out in the streets doing something illegal, we were fair game. Once I got onto the estate grounds, they couldn’t fucking touch me.

I put the pedal to the metal as I tore past the wrought iron O’Farrell gates and down the long drive. The cop stopped just outside of the gates, knowing full well what would happen to him if he crossed the line. I smirked at that and pulled up outside the doors. Sloane hadn’t said a word to me since she got in the car and now she was staring straight ahead.

“Come inside, clean up,” I told her. She finally looked down at her shirt and saw the blood stains.

“Fine,” she said, coldly. “But I’m calling for a ride. We seriously need to talk about boundaries, Killian.”

“I know.”