Page 39 of Killian



“This is your desk,” Sinead said as she wheeled us around a partition to a small desk with a computer, keyboard and mouse on it. “I’ll come by with your password in a minute and get you set up.”

“Thanks,” I said as she walked away. Being in an office again was strange. I’d worked in one for my uncle when I just married Sean but had hated the hours. I’d worked in shops since, but having moved over here, I needed something a little more substantial to get me through finding my own place. I had moved into an apartment owned by my aunt so I hadn’t had to pay exorbitant rents while I was home. This was a whole new ball game.

As scary as that was.

I had to do it.

I sat down at the desk and ran my hands over the clean desk, and the keyboard to get a feel for the keys.

I could do this.

Sinead came back and handed me a few folders.

“These are the guides and manuals for the software you’ll be using. Every answer is in here if you can’t find me. I’ll be in and out of meetings all day today so just flick through it.”

She handed me a piece of paper with a username and password on it.

“This is just your login, once you log in, it will pop up with a box to change your password.”

I nodded, taking it all in, and trying not to be overwhelmed.

“Once you do that, your programs will load. The outlook icon is the one with the envelope. Click on it. It will open and you can start to click into your emails. You will have one with a welcome message, and the other three are induction links so you can do them today. They will probably take all morning but it’s a requirement. Once you’re done, just send me an email and I will come over to give you some stuff.”

I nodded, unable to form words at how fast she was talking. Business Sinead was not like cousin Sinead at all. It’s amazing how some people could completely change when they were at work. Not me. I was the same old Sloane anytime you saw me.

Sinead moved off with her assistant and I started to login. It was as easy as she said and I soon clicked into my email. The welcome email from HR was standard and a simple template they sent off every time someone started. The second email was the first induction link I needed to start.

Once I clicked into that, I tried not to fall asleep as the man with a monotone spoke about the company I now worked for. A coffee free morning was not a good idea.

* * *

The cafe was brimmingwhen I finally got a chance to get over here. It was just across the street from the office and it looked like it was a popular choice. I stood in line and mentally changed my order at least six times. Who knew what I’d order when I got up to the counter.

Once I progressed, a bright eyed brunette looked over at me with a smile. “What can we get you?”

“Uh a Turkey BLAT.”


She smiled. “A BLAT or a Turkey Sub? Or both?”

“I’m sorry, a Turkey Sub.”

“Any drinks?”

“No, thanks.”

She gave me a ticket and I stepped to the side. As I looked down at the number, and the people milling in the collect area, I knew it was going to be a long wait. I headed outside to get some fresh air only to be assaulted with plumes of smoke from the smokers. I moved to the other side and sat at the end of the bench and looked down at my phone.

I saw the message from Teeghan and smiled as I opened it. When I read what she had asked me, I frowned.


Why would Killian be asking about Darren?