Page 37 of Killian


I hate that you left me here alone but I get what you need to do.

Come back soon, you hear.

I put some vitals in this hamper for you.

Tee x

I put the card down and opened the cellophane to reveal a hamper full of chocolates, candy, magazines and then behind that, I saw the vibrator and lube. I rolled my eyes and felt the chuckle bubble to the surface. I was going to miss that girl. I’d not had the heart to tell her I had no intention of returning. I was probably going to head down south to Killarney and set up there. My mother’s aunt had property down there and I remembered it fondly. It was far enough away that the O’Farrell’s wouldn’t be mentioned constantly and I wouldn’t be reminded of the fierce attraction to Killian. Sure, it would take a while to get him out of my head, but no doubt I could find myself a nice Irishman who could take away all my pain. I might even think about children one day.

I grabbed the box of chocolates and headed into my bedroom. Darren had made sure my bed was set up and the TV was hooked up already. He was a fucking gem. He was exactly the kind of guy I needed to find down in Killarney.

One who had never touched a gun in his life.

A safe guy.

Flicking the TV on, I chucked the chocolates on the bedside table and turned my lamp on before I went about making the bed. Since I was a kid, I hated to make the bed. The sheet never wanted to fit properly. As I pulled myself across the bed to get the other side tucked in, I heard a familiar name on the TV.

Turning over, I looked up at the photo of Killian on the news. Turning the TV up, I sat and watched what they considered breaking news.

“Feared and admired by many, the middle son of the monster Finneas O’Farrell, was caught in some trouble recently and it appears it’s spread throughout Ireland and into England. He’s been admitted to hospital with multiple broken bones and a punctured lung after dueling with some English criminals. What brought him to England is a mystery but sources say he’s been getting in with the Reyes Cartel, and bringing it to Dublin.”

I turned the channel so I didn’t have to hear anymore. I couldn’t even get away from him here. I knew the O’Farrell’s pretty much ran all of central Ireland, and technically they ran southern Ireland too but most hadn’t heard of the brothers down south, but for him to be on the news like this in Dublin…it had to be big news. Someone was putting him on blast.

Killian was in trouble and the first thing I wanted to do was run back and make sure he was okay.

Fuck, Sloane, you’ve gone and fallen in love with him again, haven’t you?

I changed the TV to a movie and got under my blankets, grabbing my box of chocolates. I tried to rid the thought of a badly injured Killian from my mind but I knew it was useless. Perhaps after a good night’s sleep, I could refocus on myself rather than thinking about him. We broke up for a reason, I just had to remember why.


Lorcan gotout of the car first, followed by Conor and me. I was still in pain from last week but the doc said I was healing well. The news report on me was fake, probably planted by Ronan and his cronies. I couldn’t believe he’d hidden from sight again and was unable to be located even with our extensive contacts searching for him. How the fuck could he possibly be able to escape from us?

His brother Jeremiah had been hiding out in one of our old properties nobody knew about for months now. He’d been slowly giving us information on his brother and what he’d been planning for years. Who knew the fucker had it in him to betray his own blood?

We headed inside to find Jeremiah passed out asleep with two whores laying over him, stark naked. Lorcan kicked his hand, jolting him awake.

The women cracked their eyes open and scattered to a bedroom somewhere. It wasn’t exactly a sight you’d want to wake up to, having the three O’Farrell brothers standing over you.

“When we said you could stay here, O’Brien, we didn’t mean you could turn it into a drug and sex pen.”

Jeremiah sat up, rubbing his eyes as if we’d inconvenienced him. He was lucky he still had fingers to rub the sleep out of his eyes. Lorcan sure had softened in his old age.

“Get some clothes on,” Conor said. “Meet us outside.”

We headed out the back and sat down at the table out there. This place had been built by our uncle who had hated the criminal world. Instead, he had tended to injured men and helped to hide people who needed the sanctuary. When he died, he’d gifted it to Lorcan but he’d never give up city life to move out here.

So it had become a safe house.

Jeremiah appeared at the table a few moments later, dressed and looking a little less sleepy.

“Sit down.”

He did and looked at each of us with determination and a little fear. He knew this wasn’t good.

“You found my brother.”